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Historical Records Society

Herne Bay Historical Records Society blog

The Kings Hall Herne Bay - celebrating 100 years



This book has been compiled to celebrate 100 years of the Kings Hall at Herne Bay, a building that has had such a positive influence on many residents and visitors.

There can be few people in the district who have not experienced an event that has been held at the hall, and even if the interaction is not first hand, they will doubtless have a close relative with connections. With such a rich history and so many memories in the minds of people with an interest, it is gratifying to note that various individuals and groups, including the owner of the building, Canterbury City Council, have chosen to mark this landmark occasion.

The main sources used for the compilation of this work, have included two souvenir booklets produced for the respective openings of the East Cliff Pavilion in April 1904 and the Kings Hall in July 1913. Local newspapers including the Herne Bay Press, the Herne Bay Argus and the less well known Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, have all proved invaluable, as has access to various collections of programmes for the countless events that have taken place over the last century.

Published July 2013. Soft covers, A4 size, 54 pages high-grade glossy art paper, greyscale images.

ISBN: 978-1-909164-09-3

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