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Historical Records Society

Herne Bay Historical Records Society blog

What a summer!


1833 Act - Trimmed with border.jpg

It has been a busy Summer for the Society as its members have been involved in various celebrations concerning the history of the town. An exhibition to mark the 180th anniversary of the formation of Herne Bay as a separate town by the 28th June 1833 Act of Parliament was prepared and mounted in Beach Creative Art Gallery, Beach Street for a week in June.

Mike Bundock presented a talk at the Herne Bay Little Theatre in Bullers Avenue on 28th and 29th June to celebrate this notable date in the town's history.

On Wednesday 10th July the Society organised and hosted a day to celebrate the centenary of the opening of the King's Hall by HRH Princess Henry of Battenberg on 4th July 1913. It started at noon with the grand opening by the Sheriff of Canterbury Cllr Ann Taylor together with guest of honour Mrs Mary Harris, daughter of Miss Nancy Iggulden, who presented the original bouquet to HRH in 1913.


The Society commissioned replicas of the original commemorative medallions that were distributed when the hall was opened and a representative number of school children attended to receive them. The remainder of the 3,000 medals were subsequently delivered to all Herne Bay and Herne Primary schools for presentation to their pupils

A marvellous lunch for 100 guests was prepared and served by students from East Kent College, with a menu based on the original “luncheon” menu, but somewhat trimmed down from the original fifteen courses! The tables were tastefully decorated in true Edwardian fashion including peacock and ostrich feathers by members of Beach Creative Arts.

A commemorative garden, commissioned by Canterbury City Council and created for Herne Bay in Bloom by Oakapple Landscapes and Family Investment Homes on the foot of the Downs was opened later in the day by Cllr Jean Law, Deputy Leader of Canterbury City Council.

A talk to celebrate 100 years of the King's Hall was given in the evening by Society Archivist Mike Bundock accompanied by his fully illustrated book. An exhibition (which has subsequently been transferred to the Herne Bay Museum Gallery William Street and can be viewed there until 6th October ) was also produced by members in the King's Hall foyer.

As part of the Society's contribution to English Heritage week Mike Bundock gave a talk at Herne Bay Little Theatre on 13th September on The Changing Face of Herne Bay Seafront, members manned an exhibition in the King's Hall on Sat 14th September and also organised two "Walks Back in Time" in the town and seafront on Sunday 15th September. A busy weekend! 

A walk round Faversham and its very interesting museum hosted by the Faversham Society, organised by Society's Trustee and Outings Organiser Colleen Ashwin-Kean, has also recently been enjoyed by members and friends.

Our opening meeting of the season will be held on Thursday October 3rd at 7pm (doors open at 6.30pm) in the United Church Hall High Street Herne Bay commencing with the Annual General Meeting followed by a selection of slides illustrating some aspects of Reculver. Our latest publication hot off the press, "Herne Bay Then and Now - A Pictorial History Celebrating 180 Years" written and produced by John Fishpool and Mike Bundock will be available on this evening together with the new 2014 Calendar featuring twelve historical images of Herne Bay selected from the Society's extensive archive collection.


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