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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...

East Cliff Panel

East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel

The Panel area - click to enlarge.

We are a group of ordinary local residents, like you, who want to make sure their voice is heard.

We work with a number of groups, such as Kent Police, Canterbury City Council‘s Community Safety Unit, Kent County Council, Neighbourhood Watch and Kent Probation Service.

By working together, we help to influence and shape services in the area, identify priorities and create a sense of community spirit.

We tackle issues such as crime and disorder, anti-social behaviour, the condition of roads and pavements, parking and speeding, noise and litter. Our aim is to deal with local issues, increase community safety and improve residents’ quality of life.

We need your help and direction. We need you to tell us about what’s best for East Cliff:

  • what you think is right,
  • what you think is wrong, and your ideas for putting it right,
  • what we’re missing, and
  • if you would like to join or help the panel

We meet up approximately every 8 weeks at the King's Hall on a  weekday at 5.30pm.

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