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Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...

Herne Bay in Bloom

Herne Bay in Bloom win GOLD



The Herne Bay in Bloom  team were thrilled when they attended Fontwell Park South and South East In Bloom Awards presentation day on Sept 7th (sponsored by Southern Water) to hear that not only had they won the GOLD medal for the class Large Coastal town (population 1200 and over) but had  also won the Kent Life Award sponsored by Archant Ltd (Publishers) for the  entry in the County with the most  overall points.

The Memorial Park achieved a Bronze Award for its first time entry and last but certainly not least Eddington Allotment site won the Judges Discretionary Award  for the Best Allotment Site  in the South and South East. A really marvellous achievement for the town all round.

The judges report said that they were extremely impressed by the overall commitment of committee members that they met and commended the inspirational leadership of Secretary Colleen Ashwin-Kean.

The involvement of so many community groups was highlighted particularly Appleseed Landscapes for their garden at Eddington Roundabout and the Friends of Curtis Wood Park who had conducted a survey of users as to what they wanted from the park and so created wider paths through the grass and also produced a series of "I-Spy" cards for children. The planting of the derelict area outside Herne Institute by Herne Horticultural & Rose Society and Family Investment Homes was cited as a further example of the enthusiasm and commitment of the In Bloom committee.

They were also complimentary of the hanging baskets, bollard planters and wooden box containers in the Mortimer Street area as well as the transformation of Sea Street roundabout using a sea theme with sustainable planting.


Herne Infants School was congratulated on all the classrooms having a small garden just outside each room where the pupils grew a variety of flowers and vegetables.

They said it was encouraging to see the involvement of Canterbury City Council and Serco Services and concluded by saying that the itinerary and judges tour had allowed the judges to meet many members of the  voluntary organisations, residents and In Bloom committee members who had been so heavily involved  in the campaign throughout the year.

Their comments on the Eddington Lane Allotment site showed that they were very impressed and encouraged by the Environmental garden created by 17 year old Luke Rose and what particularly took their eye was that each allotment plot had their wooden  number posts drilled with holes to provide space for overwintering ladybirds - a truly innovative environmental detail.

Herne Bay in Bloom home page

Gallery: South and South-East in Bloom Awards 2011


Herne Bay in Bloom won Gold Award for Large Coastal Town (pop 1200+) Kent Life Award for Most Points in County and Judges Discretionary Award for Best Allotment Site for Eddington Lane.

Herne Bay in Bloom home page

Giant Picnic in the Park


This year Herne Bay in Bloom were the main organisers of this community event based in the town's Memorial Park which was facilitated by a generous award from the Heritage Lottery Fund . People United (last year's organiser) and Canterbury City Council Festival personnel also provided practical support and advice both in the planning and on the day.

Over 20 community organisations attended contributing many different activities. The weather was generally kind interspersed with only two short sharp showers but the sunshine and lovely atmosphere definitely reflected the overall feel-good factor of the day.

Many families came  to enjoy the live entertainment and free activities as well as their own picnics and it was brilliant to see so many people genuinely enjoying themselves.

Amongst the comments received were:

"It's a great opportunity for all the community to get together"
"The music and Samba Band were my favourite"
"We have met people who we haven't seen for ages"
"We would definitely come back with our friends next year"

Herne Bay in Bloom home page

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