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Herne Bay in Bloom

Free Trees for Schools RHS Queen's Diamond Jubilee Offer



Herne Bay in Bloom are pleased to announce  the Free Trees offer to schools to Celebrate Royal Diamond Jubilee

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has joined forces with  an online nursery to  offer 2,000 schools five free trees each, in celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Between 10th January and 29th February 2012, schools registered to the RHS Campaign for School Gardening can order a set of bare-root 40–60cm tree saplings for just £5.95 postage and packaging. The five trees are wild cherry, crab apple, silver birch, common hornbeam and field maple*. Each tree is native to the UK and has been chosen for its beauty and heritage.

The RHS Campaign for School Gardening launched in 2007 now has more than 14,500 schools and other organisations registered to it. The campaign encourages schools to develop gardens for use by their pupils as outdoor classrooms.

The RHS believes that gardening not only teaches children about the environment and where food comes from but also the life skills of responsibility, resilience and readiness to learn. Jacky Chave, RHS Strategic Schools Manager, said,

“Gardening in schools is a fantastic way of engaging children in learning; not just in science but in every subject, from history to current affairs. We wanted to mark The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012 in a way that was fitting and would leave a legacy for all. These 10,000 trees kindly supplied by will do just that; providing enjoyment for generations to come, while also supporting local wildlife and ecosystems.”

Schools wishing to sign up to the RHS Campaign for School Gardening need to visit – registration is free and once registered they can also access more information regarding the RHS Schools Jubilee Pack of Five Free Trees. Contact:

Georgie Webb, 020 7821 3126,

or Ed Horne, 020 7821 3356,

*RHS Schools Jubilee Pack of Five Free Trees

  • Acer campestre (field maple)
  • Betula pendula (silver birch)
  • Carpinus betula (common hornbeam)
  • Malus sylvestris (crab apple)
  • Prunus avium (wild cherry or bird cherry)

About the Campaign for School Gardening

The RHS has actively involved more than 14,500 schools across the UK in growing and gardening through its Campaign for School Gardening. Children are taught about plants and gardening and their environment. Through gardening they learn about healthy fruit and vegetables, wildlife, and important life skills such as teamwork, social skills and co-operation. Huge benefits are to be had from using an outdoor classroom where children can learn in a fun, engaging way. Information, lesson plans and advice for schools is provided online and is backed up by support from the RHS education team and Campaign for School Gardening Regional Advisors.  Learn more at:

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Stop Press News - Herne Bay in Bloom selected For Britain in Bloom 2012


The Herne Bay in Bloom committee are pleased to announce that as a result of their excellent successes in 2011 including achieving the RHS Gold Medal in the Large Coastal Town category (South and South East Area)  they have been selected  by the RHS In Bloom Committee to go forward to enter the National Britain in Bloom campaign for 2012.

This will mean that as well being judged by the Regional judges we will also be separately assessed by National judges and will be invited to attend the Britain in Bloom presentation ceremony to be held at St Peter Port,Guernsey in October 2012.

We consider this to be a great honour for Herne Bay as it is a very prestigious event which gives the opportunity to promote, on a national basis, the great facilities that the town has to offer particularly for visitors, and really does help to put us on the map as a top coastal resort.

The committee are aware that this will mean a lot more hard work and are always looking for more volunteers to help in a variety of capacities. Please contact us via this website if you have any ideas for projects for inclusion in our 2012 campaign or can offer any time to help with the many tasks that we will be undertaking in order to maintain and extend our efforts in the coming year.

We wish all our supporters a Happy and Prosperous New Year and assure you that with your help we will be working towards a double Gold Award for 2012.

Herne Bay in Bloom home page

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