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Election count delayed after vials found in ballot box


Deputy returning officer Colin Carmichael with officers at the Kings Hall

Deputy returning officer Colin Carmichael with officers at the Kings Hall

POLICE were called to the election count after two vials were found in a ballot box.

The discovery, in a box from St Andrew's Church Hall in Grimshill Road, Whitstable, meant the count for Whitstable was delayed for three hours.

Officials could not identify the yellow-orange liquid in the vials – which were wrapped in a ballot paper – and handed out gloves to the counters as a precaution.

Deputy returning officer Colin Carmichael said:

"We have to be sure we are doing the right thing. We are fairly sure they are harmless but until the police arrive to confirm that we cannot verify the votes in that box."

Once police arrived on the scene they instructed Mr Carmichael to advise reporters to leave the room – but there was no advice for candidates, agents or official observers, or for counters. After some refused – including Times staff – officers moved the vials to the bar at the Kings Hall.

After examining the boxes and the papers in them, they were declared safe and the counting could begin, three hours later than planned.

Jonathan Elliott, 47, of Sydney Road, Whitstable, was charged with tampering with nomination papers after two vials of liquid were found in a ballot box in Herne Bay.

He appeared before Channel Magistrates in Dover on Saturday and the case was adjourned until later this month.

thisiskent 9th May 2013

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