Get blooming
Competition time is growing nearer. Entry forms are now available for this year's Herne Bay in Bloom competition. The gardening contest is open to people in all areas of Herne Bay, with prizes of gardening vouchers for a range of categories.
Forms can be collected from the library or council office in William Street or by calling 07540 392916. The closing date is Thursday, June 10 and judges will visit on Tuesday, July 6. Anyone who can help with the competition or sponsor a prize should e-mail or call secretary Colleen Ashwin-Kean on 07540 392916.
It's time to "Grow for gold!" as Cllr Rosemary Doyle said at the recent launch by Herne Bay in Bloom. Another term in the punitentiary for the appropriately named Rosemary, methinks.
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