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Herne Bay Pier Trust reveal plans for country's first pier marina



This is how Herne Bay's Victorian pier could look if a £70 million plan to build a marina around the derelict old pier head goes ahead. The ambitious scheme was unveiled last night by the Herne Bay Pier Trust and would be the first of its kind in the country.

Members also announced a raft of short-term plans, which include creating a beach hut village and restaurant on the existing platform and to allow weddings on the pier.

Trust member Jason Hollingsworth, part of the group tasked with finding ways to rebuild the pier, said the key was to make it financially viable. He said:

"A heritage pier based on the past would be a lovely idea but when you look at the economics, it is not going to happen."

But he said the team had been speaking about the marina concept - known as Kent Pier Marina - to trust fund managers who wanted long-term investments for pension funds.

He said it would be an "attraction of national significance" and could include hotels, an aquarium, conference facilities and boat trips. Mr Hollingsworth said:

"I am convinced the project can be delivered and bring extensive benefits to Herne Bay and the wider area. There are investment opportunities for a private sector developer but the scheme will also need public sector funding."

The marina would have 275 berths and, because it would be so far out to sea, offer 24-hour berthing for sailors because it would not be affected by tides. A road would run along the pier with parking for 150 cars at the end.

The marina was given the official stamp of approval in a consultant's report which concluded it was the best option for the long-term future of the pier. The trust plans to publish the report and more details of the scheme on a website to be launched next month and will then begin formal public consultation.

More trustees are needed, particularly those with expertise in law and fundraising. Those interested should send details to the Pier Trust gallery in Central Parade, Herne Bay.

thisiskent LCrudgington

Future Pier design?

Future Pier design?

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