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Amateur Oscars awards


This Saturday is the amateur dramatics' equivalent of the Oscars. Actors and directors from all over the county will gather at Whitstable's Playhouse Theatre at 7pm to see if they have won in the Kent Drama Association full-length play festival. Adjudicators have spent the past few months visiting theatres and seeing what is on offer.

The Lindley Players, who own the Playhouse, have done particularly well with nine nominations. These include: Dave Rogers for best actor in a cameo role; Jessica Storer for best debut in a full-length play and best young player; Peter Bressington for best supporting actor best stage design for Female Transport; Mandy Hunt for best new festival director and Clare Snashall for best actress. The Lindleys are also up for best wardrobe and best stage presentation.

Herne Bay's Heidi Griggs of Theatrecraft has been nominated for best supporting actress. Theatrecraft has also been nominated for best initiative in stage presentation and ensemble acting. Herne Bay Operatic Society is changing its name to Herne Bay Music Society. Spokeswoman Mary Hixson said:

"We feel it better reflects the type of show we do nowadays."

The name change coincides with the group's 60th anniversary bash at the Kings Hall, Herne Bay, on Saturday, June 25. President and former Pop Idol judge Nicki Chapman will be among the guests. Entertainment will be from Goosebumps swing and jive band. Doors open at 7pm.

Red Sands Radio wants to hear from local bands to broadcast when the station returns to the airwaves on July 2. Bosses have introduced a new slot on its Live Lunch programme and a new show called Red Sands Rocks on Sunday nights. Spokesman Roy Gooderson said:

"We are supporting this year's Bands at the Belmont open-air concert and want to hear from local composers, bands and solo artists who want to hear their songs on the radio."

Already lined up are the Flame Pilots, Dave Emm, The Trouser Trumpets, Masque, The Scimitars, The Keytones, Hullabaloo, Jazz Police, Rubber Biscuit, Wasabi, Malcolm Holland, and Mel Harris. Red Sands Radio will also be playing songs from established local Bands like Caravan, Maroon Dogs and Fantasia. Send an mp3 file to or post a CD to Red Sands Radio, Whitstable, CT5 2PF with a brief biography. Red Sands launches on 87.7FM and

Canterbury Times 17th Jun 2011

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