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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...


Filtering by Tag: Mike Bundock

Celebrating the King's Hall's 100th birthday


At 6pm on 10th July, the Centenary Exhibition in the King’s Hall foyer will open, and it will run until 22nd July. It will feature an illustrated history of the King’s Hall and a special section devoted to residents’ memories of the Hall through the years.

To coincide with the exhibition, there will also be two book launches.

Mike Bundock of the Historical Records Society will launch his latest book - "The Kings Hall Herne Bay - Celebrating 100 years". Drawing on Mike's extensive rearch and detailed knowledge, and using pictures from the HBHRS archive and Mike's own collection, this is a fascinating illustrated history of the King's Hall from construction to the present day.

Sylvia McKean of the Herne & Broomfield Local History Group will be launching "Coronations and Coronets” which relates how Herne villagers and schoolchildren celebrated Coronations, Jubilees, Royal visits, from Queen Victoria’s Silver Jubilee in 1887 to Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee in 2012.

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180 years of Herne Bay at the Little Theatre


On Friday 28th June at 7:30pm at the Herne Bay Little Theatre, Mike Bundock will present:

“Celebrating 180 years of official existence”

to mark the 180th Anniversary of the Act of Parliament that provided for

“paving, cleansing, lighting, watching, repairing and improving a certain Portion of the Parish of Herne in the County of Kent”.

Tickets are £3, from Herne Bay Little Theatre, 44 Bullers Avenue, CT6 8UH 01227 366 004

1833 Act - Trimmed and torn 600.png

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Lottery money for our Clocktower


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Exciting proposals to bring new life to Herne Bay’s historic seafront clocktower have received initial financial backing from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).

The city council submitted a phase one funding bid to the HLF in autumn 2012 and has just been awarded a development grant of £16,100. This allows further detailed planning work to take place ahead of a phase two bid for the full grant of £232,200 in November. The council is also contributing £100,000 to the project.

The proposals would see major refurbishment of the clocktower together with educational activities. Modern LED lighting would be installed, along with four webcams on the top of the clocktower and one inside showing the workings, with the pictures relayed live to a website. Displays relating to the history of the clocktower would also be created in a shop on the seafront as a visitor attraction and resource for schools.

Other activities include publishing an updated version of a book about the clocktower by local historian Mike Bundock and the development of culture and heritage walks around the town in partnership with Herne Bay Improvement Trust.

Over the next few months, firm plans for the project will be put together, which will involve extensive public participation. Demonstrating community support is key to securing phase two funding from the HLF.

The council’s Herne Bay Regeneration Manager, Patrick Rynne, said:

“The clocktower is a magnificent building and a focal point on the seafront, but its condition has deteriorated over the last few years. This project gives us the chance to restore it to its former glory and create a wonderful attraction for residents and visitors. We hope local people will want to join us on this journey and look forward to working with the community as we put the next part of the bid together. And we are naturally grateful for the support from the Heritage Lottery Fund, which is allowing us to develop this exciting project.”

A first-round pass means a project meets HLF criteria for funding and HLF believes the project has potential to deliver high quality benefits and value for Lottery money. The council’s application was in competition with other supportable projects, so a first-round pass is an endorsement of outline proposals.

Using money raised through the National Lottery, the HLF sustains and transforms a wide range of heritage for present and future generations to take part in, learn from and enjoy.

From museums, parks and historic places to archaeology, natural environments and cultural traditions, the HLF invests in every part of the country’s diverse heritage. The HLF has supported more than £30,000 projects, allocating £4.7 billion across the UK. For more information, visit .

CCC 23rd Apr 2013

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Inspirational Herne Bay


Marcel Duchamp having a bit of a think

Marcel Duchamp having a bit of a think

How Herne Bay reinvigorated a famous French artist

When influential French artist Marcel Duchamp arrived in Herne Bay, he was considering giving up art, but after four weeks in the town he returned to Europe full of new ideas.

His time in Herne Bay will be celebrated with a three-week festival starting at the end of July, featuring exhibitions, talks, and a schools programme in which Bay youngsters produce their own works of art to display. Organiser Sue Austen said:

"Marcel Duchamp has been voted the most influential artist of the 21st century but when he arrived in Herne Bay at the beginning of August 1913 he was just 26 and deeply depressed by the reception his last major painting, Nude Descending a Staircase, had received at the Armory Show in New York.
He was here to chaperone his sister Yvonne who was studying English at Lynton College. He contemplated giving up art forever, but after four short weeks Duchamp returned to Europe, refreshed and intellectually invigorated. Later that year he produced the first kinetic sculpture, Bicycle Wheel, published his ideas on objets trouvés and created the totally unique Three Standard Stoppages.
The art world reeled from his new ideas – our town often has this effect on people."

Sue, who together with Jason Hollingsworth make up the BayGuide team behind the festival, said the aim was to show that Herne Bay was still a special place.

An exhibition of work by invited local artists will be curated by David Cross and staged at Beach House, the Bay Art Gallery and the King's Hall, along with outdoor exhibitions and pop-up galleries.

There will also be a talk by Mike Bundock of Herne Bay Historical Records Society on what the town was like at the time, a sculpture trail curated by Karen Simpson and a symposium at the King's Hall curated by Duchamp expert Francis M Naumann.

For more information visit or their Facebook site. The team will also tweet from @Duchamp_HB

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Marvellous Movie of Vintage Views


The opening of the film, which pensioner Mary Harris found among her mother's belongingsPensioner Mary Harris’s find of a 90-year-old film showing the Herne Bay festival has aroused a lot of interest, and now bosses at the Little Theatre in Bullers Avenue are planning to show the clip, which vividly brings back to life the town as it was in 1922.

Historian and curator of the Herne Bay Historical Records Society Mike Bundock will be giving a talk before the screening. He said:

"I'm planning to give a  talk about the town from 1899 - when the third pier was built — to the early 1920 and finish with the film, which I have yet to see and am eagerly awaiting a look at."

Mike Bundock’s talk is titled Herne Bay - The Edwardian Era To The 1920s and will take place at the Herne Bay Little Theatre, Bullers Avenue, Herne Bay, on Saturday, March 3, at 7.30pm.

Admission for the event is £3 and booking is recommended via the box office on 01227 366004.

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Programme 2010/2011


Here's this season's programme at the Herne Bay Historical Records Society:


7th October: A.G.M. Followed by some more: "Images from the archives"

21st October: Peter Ewart: "The Swing Riots"

4th November: HAROLD GOUGH MEMORIAL LECTURE: Brian Philp: "Excavations of the Roman Fort at Reculver"

18th November: Richard Filmer: "Hops and Hop Picking"

2nd December: John Fishpool: "Raiders & Invaders - The Defence of Kent from Iron Age to Cold War"



3rd February: Anthea Bryant: "Canterbury, the Hidden City - Saints and Pilgrims"

17th February: Mike Bundock: "Beltinge and the East Cliff"

3rd March: Dr. Rebecca Oakes: "Kent Medieval Church Leaders"

17th March: Mr. lan Tittley: "History of the Natural History of North Kent"

26th March: HBHRS Wine & Wisdom Evening at Christ Church: Entry by ticket, details TBA.

7th April: End of Season Social 

Dates TBA: Walks Back in Time

Teas and Coffees are available after the lecture meetings

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Programme 2009/2010


Here's the 2009/2010 programme, to give you an idea of the range of topics covered:


1st October: A.G.M. Followed by: "Images from the archives"

5th November: J & S Wagner: "Phantasmagoria" Magic Lantern Slides

19th November: Mrs. Ann Winter: "People & Lives of the Railway"

3rd December: Miss Jennie Burgess: "Smuggling in & around Birchington"


7th January: Mr. Ian Tittley: "History of the Natural History of North Kent"

21st January: Lt. Col. M. Martin: "Britain on the Home Front in WW2"

4th February: Mr. Mike Bundock: "Herne Bay fires floods & freezes"

18th February: Mrs. Margaret Burns: "The History of Studd Hill"

4th March: HAROLD GOUGH MEMORIAL LECTURE: Mr. Frank Turner: "The Maunsell Sea Forts of the Thames Estuary"

18th March: Mrs. Irene Pellett: "Tiles & the Time Team"

15th April: End of Season Social

To end the season, about 50 members enjoyed a social evening of fun, food and fellowship. John Fishpool and Valerie Millo arranged some quizzes to test our knowledge of history in general and Herne Bay in particular. For example, did you know that the Bun Penny was once the Royal Hotel, and the Herne Bay Windmill was situated on the sea front from 1825-1878 on the site of Sea View Square?

The buffet meal was enjoyed by all, and a vote of thanks was given to all who prepared it or helped in any way to make it a happy occasion. The society's latest publications were on sale: Herne Bay's Hotels and Public Houses and Mills and Milling in the Herne Bay Area. These can be bought at Herne Bay Museum.

Members now look forward to two coach outings during the summer.

Teas and Coffees are available after the lecture meetings

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