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Pollution at car park is "unlikely to pose a risk"


A key redevelopment site in the town is contaminated, but the pollution is unlikely to pose a "significant" threat to human health. That's according to council officers who have overseen a series of environmental tests under the Kings Road car park since the beginning of the year.

The area, formerly a gasworks, has been earmarked for a new supermarket as part of the town's regeneration programme. Residents were concerned about possible contamination under the car park, so contractors drilled nine boreholes to test the soil. But council spokesman Rob Davies said test results returned by consultants Environmental Scientifics Group after the drilling had been reassuring. He said:

"The results revealed very few issues, with eight of the nine boreholes having no problems. The other one found elevated levels of hydrocarbon.  This contamination suggests that a leak or spill of hydrocarbons may have occurred in the past."

The group recommends more investigation to see if the substances need to be removed. Mr Davies added:

"Their report makes it clear that it is unlikely to pose a significant risk to human health. The fact that this development will be hard surfaced means that the elevated levels of hydrocarbons found may be able to remain in situ so long as they are contained and not mobile."

HB Times 30th Jun 2011

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