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Herne Bay to be colonised by time machines


Two Dr Who Tardises could be installed on the seafront and at the library in the hope that Dr Who fans will be drawn to the town. And enthusiasts could find they are bigger than they look, as the plan is for them to be working police boxes to allow people to contact emergency services.

Furniture maker Jason Onion revealed his sci-fi vision at a meeting of Herne Bay councillors on Tuesday and was rewarded with a round of applause. The 35-year-old moved back to Herne Bay from Cornwall and is eager to make a positive contribution for the community. He said:

"This seemed like a brilliant opportunity to tie in with the programme's 50th anniversary and do something good for the town."

His unusual idea would also be a celebration of Anthony Coburn, the first writer of the show who lived in Herne Bay. Jason hopes to incorporate internet wi-fi connection and a 360 degree CCTV camera in the top light to deter vandals. Councillors voted unanimously to refer the plans to city council's ruling executive committee. Andrew Cook, councillor for Heron said:

"This is a great idea. We should seize this opportunity for Herne Bay."

Jason plans to build the Tardis himself and suggests that reclaimed wood from the pier could be used. Ultimately the police box would be auctioned off in 2013 on the show's 50th anniversary and proceeds would be donated to charity.

HB Times 23rd Jun 2011

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Onion's Tardis


A life-sized Tardis on the seafront could be a real draw with tourists, according to a Bay councillor. Tory Andrew Cook, who represents Heron ward, raised the issue for discussion at Tuesday's meeting of the town's councillors.

The unusual agenda item came up after local prop-maker Jason Onion, 35, suggested the town go Dr Who mad and put a Tardis on the seafront. He said it would be in recognition of BBC scriptwriter Anthony Coburn, who lived and worked in the Bay and conceived the idea of a police box as a time machine.

Mr Onion said a 9ft (2.7m) blue box would be a good excuse to coach the country's Dr Who fans down to the Bay. Town manager Chris West said he thought it was a great idea. He said:

"Anything that serves to draw more people down to the town can only be a good thing. I understand that he's donating a full-sized replica to the library along with some original scripts for the series so we could have what amounts to a very nice exhibition!"

Mr Cook said:

"It's an unusual idea but as a councillor I'm here to facilitate ideas and give people a voice. It's up to my colleagues to agree or disagree as they see fit. But if you think how many Dr Who fans there are – you can't go into a shop in the country without finding Tardis merchandise – out there, it could be a great draw as there seems to be a genuine link to the town."

The first four episodes of Doctor Who were written by Mr Coburn in 1963. Next year is the show's 50th anniversary.

HB Times 16th Jun 2011

Plans to install a full-size replica Tardis on Herne Bay seafront could become reality after the idea was given a massive thumbs-up by town councillors. The 8ft wooden booth – which will operate as a working police box – will be sited on the entrance to the pier.

Creator Jason Onion, from Beltinge, presented the idea at a meeting on Tuesday night and won a round of applause from councillors and the public. He said the £7,000 Tardis – which will take two months to build – will acknowledge the late Anthony Coburn, who lived in Herne Bay and wrote the first ever Doctor Who episode. It will also have a 360 degree CCTV camera on top to deter would-be vandals. Mr Onion, 35, said:

“I have approached Maidstone Police for their inclusion on this and they are favourable. I wish to involve all emergency services, including St John’s and the coastguard, so the item functions as was intended while serving as a new landmark for the town. I can see only positives for this and know it will do good for Herne Bay.”

The time-travelling machine was well-received by those at the meeting, with many claiming it will give the seafront a boost. Town centre councillor Andrew Cook said:

“I think it’s a great idea and has certainly attracted a lot of attention. Everyone has an interest in it so I think we should take it a step further. It could open up some very interesting doors for Herne Bay and be another thing for us to hang our hat on.”

Heron Ward sidekick Joe Howes added:

“The idea’s great, but Andrew Coburn wasn’t just Dr Who. He wrote lots of other things, including Poldark, so it’s important we recognise that as well.”

West Bay’s Peter Lee said:

“This seems like an excellent idea with benefits to the town. The Herne Bay Regeneration Group Working Party has been looking at the seafront for awhile now and at areas where things can be put and developed. I think the best way forward is to refer this to them so they can look for a permanent site as part of the work they’re doing.”

County councillor David Hirst added:

“It seems great to me - I love it. There’s definitely a use for it.”

It’s thought the Tardis could be built from reclaimed wood from the soon-to-be demolished pier pavilion. Councillors agreed for the idea to be considered by the regeneration working group. Kent County Council has also confirmed it is considering putting a 1963 replica in the town’s library.

HB Gazette 16th Jun 2011

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