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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...


Visible Policing - have your say


Invitation to attend 'Saving Visible Community Policing' conference - Friday 6th December.

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It is our pleasure to invite you to our 'Saving Visible Community Policing' conference on the morning of Friday the 6th December 2013 at the Kent Police College, Coverdale Avenue, Maidstone, ME15 9DW. This is a real opportunity for you to have your say on the next round of funding cuts and to debate the impact on policing in the county.

You may be all too familiar with the stresses and strains of resourcing and funding cuts on our vital public services. Crime and public safety are of utmost importance to our communities, families and friends. Therefore, when making key decisions, we want to ensure that we consult as widely and in-depth as possible.  That's where we need you.

As a resident of Kent, you play a part in keeping our community safe and quite rightly you should have a say in the future of policing in the county. That's why we are particularly keen to have your input and considered views on the next round of policing cuts, including the possible impact on visible community policing.

The event will set out a number of scenarios and options and it's a chance to get everyone involved in shaping the future of Kent's policing. We hope you will take up this invaluable opportunity to speak to both of us by attending our event.

So please find out more here and book your place today.

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