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Friends of the Museum

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New Museum Director


​Jo Jones

​Jo Jones

As part of the restructuring and realignment of the Museums service as a whole, Canterbury City Council has appointed a new Director of Museums. She is Joanna Jones, currently Arts and Cultural Services Manager for Sefton Museums & Galleries, she is due to take up her new post in June.

Ken Reedie, who has been Curator of the City Museums and Galleries Service since the early 1970s is due to retire as soon as the Beaney project in Canterbury is complete.

The timing of Ms. Jones' appointment means that no great changes are likely take place in the near future. We can be encouraged that in making this appointment the Council seems serious about its commitment to support the museums and avoid any further threats of closure.

We look forward to working with the new Director, who we understand is enthusiastic about community involvement, to help make Herne bay Museum become the attraction that the town needs.



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