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Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...

Friends of the Downs

URGENT: Beach hut threat


Beach Hut Option Appraisal Report 2011

Here we go again! Despite the massive support for the Village Green application, and the clear message that Herne Bay wants the Downs unspoilt, the Council is thinking of putting up beach huts.

The consultation process is described below - the first step will be a debate at HBAMP (the Herne Bay Area Members Panel, i.e. our town councillors) on 14th June at 6:30pm in the Salvation Army Hall, 33 Richmond Street, Herne Bay.

I won't be able to be at that meeting. I think it is very important that SOMEONE is there (ideally, lots of someones!) to put the case for NOT having beach huts on the Downs.

You are entitled to make a short (3 minute) speech at HBAMP. You won't be cross-examined - you just say your piece and sit down. I'm happy to provide you with facts and arguments, or even write a short speech for you to modify and make your own - just contact me at

If you want to do it all under your own steam, just contact Lyn McDaid,  email: tel: 01227 862006.

This is your chance to stand up and make your voice heard. Literally.

The Report

Personally, I find it in many ways unimpressive and disappointing, but that's a story for another day. You can read the report online here, or you can download it here, or you can visit the Council website. The key parts are:

  • Sections 3.4 to 3.8 - the current position in Herne Bay,
  • Section 4 - the Process, 
  • Section 9 - the Assessment Matrix and Scoring, 
  • Sections 11.2 to 11.6 - the sites that have been assessed as potential beach hut sites, 
  • Section 12.2 - SWOT analysis issues
  • Section 13.1 - the potential sites, prioritised
  • Section 14 - next steps

The Potential Sites on the Downs

The concrete plinths at the bottom of the Hundred Steps.

Site assessment and SWOT analysis: you can read it online here, or download it here.

26 Concrete plinths.jpg
26 Concrete plinths picture.jpg


The upper level of the promenade, a little further east of the Hundred Steps.

Site assessment and SWOT analysis: you can read it online here, or download it here.

27 Upper level of split promenade.jpg
27 Upper level of split promenade picture 1.JPG
27 Upper level of split promenade picture 2.JPG

Consultation Process

  • This is a consultative draft for discussion, which will be debated at the Herne Bay Area Members Panel on 14th June 2011.
  • The community steering group seeks our views on the report and the recommendations for further feasibility work by Monday 4th July 2011.
  • The feedback from the community and comments from the Area Members Panel meeting will feed into a report to the Council’s Executive meeting on the 28th July 2011 to decide a way forward.
  • If feasibility studies are required the aim will be to bring forward feasibility reports for consultation by the end of 2011 or early 2012.

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