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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...

Friends of the Downs

Inquiry could decide fate of Downs


The battle to get a Bay beauty spot registered as a village green looks likely to go to a public inquiry. Council officers made the decision after admitting the "volume and complexity" of the case for the Downs meant an inquiry would be necessary. Save the Downs group head Phil Rose said he was frustrated by the slow progress:

"A huge amount of time has been spent producing comprehensive replies to the dozens of pages of (presumably expensive) objections written for Canterbury City Council by London barristers. Given the clear and strong local support for the application, why have our councillors allowed unelected officers to squander public money fighting the wishes of the Herne Bay people?"

The battle started after the council proposed building 40 beach huts on the downs near Beacon Hill at East Cliff. To protect the Downs Mr Rose pushed to get it registered as a village green. Council spokesman Rob Davies said the site was not suitable for a village green. A final decision on whether it will be decided via a public inquiry will be made on June 13. But Mr Rose said council objections were not clear:

"The council objected to the village green application on the grounds that they wouldn't be able to maintain the land if it was registered as a village green. Not true - they already maintain village greens in Whitstable."

Bay councillor Peter Vickery-Jones said it was not necessary to register the land as a village green. He said:

"There's a faction in this town that never wants anything to be done. The Downs was never under threat. I'm not opposed to it being registered as a village green but it's just unnecessary. We could never build on it, for engineering reasons amongst others. I just want to say, for God's sake, let's get this town back on its feet and stop seeing everything as a threat."

HB Times 26th May 2011

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Litter Pick on Saturday


This coming Saturday (28th) we'll be litter picking on the Downs in Herne Bay. Meet at 10am at the car park at the eastern end of Reculver Drive. Bags, gloves and magic picking-up sticks will be provided. If it's blazing hot, bring some water and some sun lotion. If it's pouring with rain, stay at home and hang on until the next litter pick!

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Village Green Public Inquiry


Here's the latest from the village green registration people at Kent County Council.

Dear Reader, if you have any experience of Public Inquiries like this, do please get in touch with any tips and advice.

I am writing to update you regarding your Village Green application at The Downs at Herne Bay.
Due to the volume and complexity of this case, we have sought legal advice from Counsel as to how we should proceed. Counsel has very carefully considered all of the documentation submitted and the arguments raised. The advice received is that it is not possible for the matter to be resolved on paper and the case should properly be referred to a Public Inquiry for further consideration.

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Litter picking month!


Throughout May, we will be organising a number of litter picks across the Downs. With four and a half weekends, and a couple of public holidays, there are plenty of opportunities for you to come along, be brilliant, and make a real difference to the Downs.

Morning Picks will start at 10am, afternoon Picks at 2pm. If you're not on the Friends of the Downs' mailing list, just click here to sign up - it's quick and it's free!

Litter on the Downs is unsightly, and sometimes dangerous. By giving up a couple of hours of your spare time, you will earn yourself a warm glow of satisfaction, knowing that you have made the Downs better for everyone!

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Brown-tail moth caterpillars


The brown tail moth has always lived and nested on the Downs. Like all of us, it has good years and bad years. In good years, the moths will make dozens of nests ("tents") in bushes and shrubs all over the Downs, with each nest containing dozens of hairy little caterpillars.

The hairs on the caterpillars can ​cause a stinging rash (a bit like nettles), and if inhaled can apparently be a nuisance for people with asthma and similar breathing difficulties.

So, if you see lots of these little beasts - don't cuddle them, and don't stick them up your nose!​

Click here for more information about this odd beast.

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