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Historical Records Society

Herne Bay Historical Records Society blog

Annual General Meeting 2013


The society's Annual General meeting was well attended. John Fishpool, President, gave his report covering the various activities undertaken during the year. He said that in 2013 we had just celebrated two of the most important landmarks in the history of the town.

The first was the Act of Parliament which achieved Royal Assent on 28th June 1833 setting out the basis for the management of a separate portion of the parish of Herne and the formation of the town of Herne Bay.

The second was the centenary of the opening of the King's Hall by HRH Princess Henry of Battenberg on 10th July 1913. He was pleased that the society had taken the lead in setting up exhibitions and events to ensure that both had been given worthy recognition and he thanked the members who had worked hard to make this possible.

He reminded members of the sad loss earlier in the year of Anne Gough, widow of late Society Curator Harold Gough and the society's treasurer Tony Bendrey. He thanked Colleen Ashwin-Kean for assisting with the day to day finances in the interim and said that Colleen had since been elected as a Trustee of the society.

Mike Bundock, Society Archivist and Curator, gave his report on the various acquisitions accepted during the year. He also presented the Treasurer's report in the absence of a permanent post-holder. Colleen Ashwin-Kean, Excursions Organiser, reported on the success of the recent visit to Faversham.

No nominations had been received for the vacant Treasurer's and Secretary's post prior to the meeting and no nominations were received from the floor. John Fishpool agreed to be nominated for Treasurer but the Secretary's position is still vacant. The rest of the committee Margaret Wood, Margaret Burns and Colleen Ashwin-Kean were elected en bloc.

David Birch, retiring Chairman, informed members that John Fishpool and Mike Bundock had both been given honorary memberships for their long serving contributions and hard work on behalf of the society.

The evening concluded with a slide show of various aspects of Reculver presented by Mike Bundock. The new publication “Herne Bay Then and Now - a pictorial history celebrating 180 years” was on sale, as was the 2014 Calendar featuring historical images of Herne Bay.

The next meeting will be at the Lower Hall, United Church Herne Bay on Thursday 17th October when Peter Ewart will be speaking on "Victorian and Edwardian Schooldays". Doors open at 6.30pm for 7pm start. Visitors most welcome. Ring 01227 362666 or visit our website for more programme information.

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