Herne Bay Then & Now
The Herne Bay Historical Records Society has taken the decision that, to commemorate the 180th anniversary of the historic landmark of the passing of the 1833 Act of Parliament, it would publish a volume of old pictures of the town alongside contemporary photographs taken from the same viewpoint in 2013.
Some places have altered over the intervening years so that they are now almost unrecognisable – others remain largely unchanged. It could be argued, moreover, that not all the changes have been for the better!
Although essentially a picture book, each set of photographs is accompanied by a short piece of explanatory text about the featured location so that these images illustrate aspects of the history of the town as well as revealing the changing face of Herne Bay over the years.
Published October 2013. Soft covers, A4 size, 116 pages high-grade glossy art paper, 100 pairs of greyscale images.
ISBN: 978-1-909164-10-9
Historical Records Society home page