Report: Hidden Kent
Peter Meiklejohn gave members an interesting tour of Hidden Places in Kent at our last meeting.
The aftermath of the Faversham Gunpowder Mill explosion 1916
He highlighted some very unusual stories from places that he has photographed over the years including the Faversham gunpowder works explosion of 1916, and the story of the Rev James Ramsay who was vicar of Teston in 1781 and an early anti-slave campaigner and many more.
Penny Hills, Society Secretary, thanked him on behalf of members present for a very entertaining and informative talk.
Members were reminded that the Society's 2014 calendars were still available as were copies of the latest publication "Herne Bay Then & Now - a pictorial history" both of which could make very acceptable Christmas presents.
The last meeting of the year will be on Thursday 5th December in the Lower United Church Hall, High Street, Herne Bay when Paul Bennett of Canterbury Archaeological Trust will be giving a talk on the excavation of the Bronze Age Boat in Dover Doors open at 6.30pm for 7pm start. Visitors £2 Members free.
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