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Historical Records Society

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Filtering by Tag: David Birch

Report: Some Local Hostelries


Mike Bundock, vice Chairman, introduced the evening in the absence of David Birch chairman, who was indisposed due to a minor accident at home from which Mike said he was speedily recovering.

He explained that he had set up a new notice board with some illustrations of buildings, streets and shops taken from the Society's extensive collection for members to peruse during the refreshment break.

The King Ethelbert, Reculver

The King Ethelbert, Reculver

John Fishpool, President, then gave members a very interesting history of some of the hotels and public houses in the Herne Bay area. He explained that it had been the fashion in the past for some establishments to display some rather fanciful and exaggerated stories, but he set out to illustrate many facts and details that he had researched from newspapers, census returns and licensing records.

Mick Hills, society member gave the vote of thanks.

Copies of the latest publication "Herne Bay Now and Then - a pictorial history" together with the 2014 calendar were on sale at the books table.

The next meeting will be on Thursday 21st November in the Lower United Church Hall, High Street, Herne Bay when Peter Meiklejohn will give a talk entitled "Hidden Kent". Doors open at 6.30pm for 7pm start. Visitors £2 Members free.

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