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Historical Records Society

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Filtering by Tag: Faversham

Report: The history of Faversham

Liz Crudgington

Barges at Faversham Creek

Barges at Faversham Creek

Margaret Burns concluded the year by giving an illustrated talk on some aspects of the history of Faversham which she encapsulated under the heading "The Three B's " which she explained stood for Barges, Brickmaking and the Big Bangs.

Based on her experiences of leading guided town walks for the Faversham Society over the past 20 years, she outlined some of the key factors which have been instrumental in forming and weaving the intriguing tapestry of history of this very ancient and fascinating town.

Under barges she included the importance of the Creek providing its maritime influence on the town enabling barges to become the major form of transport and trade.

Under Brickmaking she highlighted how the huge 19th century production of the local stock bricks helped to build the major part of Victorian London.

Making stock bricks

Making stock bricks

Finally in illustrating the history of  the production of gunpowder and development of the explosive industry in Faversham she  finished with the ultimate "Big Bang" which was the disastrous explosion at the Uplees factory in April 1916 which claimed 100+ victims.

A mass grave of some of the victims of the Uplees explosion

A mass grave of some of the victims of the Uplees explosion

Margaret reminded members that Faversham had an excellent museum based at the Fleur de Lis Heritage Centre Preston Street with complete room dedicated to the History of Gunpowder details of which can be found  at 

The next meeting of the society will be on Thursday 5th February at the Lower Hall, United Reform Church, High Street, Herne Bay, when Jane Priston will be giving a talk based on her extensive and original research into the Herne Bay connections of Amy Johnson and the Mystery of her last Flight.

Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. Visitors are welcome at £2, members free. For more information on meetings or the society, call 01227 366863 or email

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