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Historical Records Society

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Filtering by Tag: Judith Ford

Report: 7th Mar 2013 - Authors and Artists of the South East


“Authors and Artists of the South East” was the subject of Anthea Bryant's talk at our last meeting. She commenced her literary journey in Canterbury which Geoffrey Chaucer illustrated so graphically in his medieval Canterbury Tales and also covered more modern connections with Thomas Sidney Cooper, Rupert Bear, Bagpuss as well as Jane Austen, Ian Fleming and Count Zborowski (the inspiration for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) at Higham Park Bridge.

She travelled across to Faversham and the 16th century play based on the real life drama of the murder of local dignitary Thomas Arden in 1551 and from thence covered Rye with Richard Harris Barham's Ingoldsby Legends, E.H Benson's Mapp and Lucia series and onwards to Downe House with Charles Darwin, Sissinghurst and Vita Sackville-West, Chartwell and Winston Churchill, Port Lympne and Sir Philip Sassoon returning back to Bekesbourne and Joseph Conrad finishing with Charles Dickens and Bleak House at Broadstairs. Altogether a very entertaining and informative talk delivered in Anthea's very colourful and animated style.​

Will Scott launch.jpg

Continuing the theme of local authors, particularly appropriate as this was World Book Day, Mike Bundock, Society Curator and Archivist, introduced Kay Steventon and Judith Ford co-authors of their new book published by the Society "Will Scott and Herne Bay". They are the grand-daughters of William Mathew Scott ( pen name Will Scott) who, although he was born in Leeds, spent 44 years in Herne Bay from 1920-1964.

He was a caricaturist, author and playwright who is now best known for his children's series the Cherry books (published between 1952 and 1965). The book explores his relationship with Herne Bay and in so doing, provides a fascinating view of the town where he spent most of his adult life. Members were able to purchase their copies personally signed by the authors and copies at £7.50 each are now available at Herne Bay Museum, William Street Herne Bay or can be ordered direct from the website

The next meeting will be on Thursday 21st March at United Church Hall High Street Herne Bay when Peter Borrough will be speaking on “Regency Ramsgate”. Doors open at 6.30pm ready for start at 7pm. All visitors welcome at £2, Members free. For more information contact 01227 362666.

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