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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...

Herne Bay in Bloom

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Results of HBIB "Beat the Drought Competition"


We are please to announce that the winner of the £50 prize and the water butt and compost bin donated by Canterbury City Council was Terry Jewis of Calcott Hill Sturry,

He submitted a very comprehensive entry which demonstrated his systems of collecting and saving rain water from various roofs, from waste water from the dishwasher and washing machines and how he fed the filtered water by gravity using the slope of his patio to use on his vegetable beds. Read More
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Herne Bay Infants School Crocus Planting in Memorial Park


Herne Bay Infants School pupils with British legion and Herne Bay in Bloom committee getting ready to plant​

Herne Bay Infants School pupils with British legion and Herne Bay in Bloom committee getting ready to plant

The sun came out in the afternoon  of November 9th when children from Herne Bay Infants School took a trip to the Memorial Park to plant the crocus corms supplied by Canterbury City Council's Outdoor Leisure Dept.

Getting down to some planting​

Getting down to some planting

Three members from the Herne Bay branch of the British Legion attended to provide each child with poppies and memorial crosses to place in the grass and Herne Bay in Bloom team  together with Dick Eburne of Friends of Memorial Park helped with the planting.

Head Teacher Anne Hooker said:

"It's lovely that Herne Bay in Bloom invite us every year and the children are looking forward to seeing the crocus when they blossom in the Spring."

Herne Bay in Bloom home page



Allotment gardening is popular in the town with all of the three sites full. The council is researching and writing an allotments strategy to ensure they are supported and invested in, and to look at ways in which provision of plots can be increased.

The Eddington Lane site is an example of good practice with a very active and out going site association that has won prestigious national awards such as the Best in Britain, an award sponsored by the Kitchen Gardens Magazine and the National Allotments Gardens Trust. It has also won Digging for Victory competition run by the UK TV Gardens channel.

A wide variety of plants can be found on this site from fruit and vegetables, to heritage plants and spectacular roses. Every May the association hold a plant sale, and this year it was held on 22 May.

Members supply any surplus plants and the proceeds go towards the cost of an annual show. This is held on the last Saturday in August and has categories for vegetables, fruit, flowers, flower arranging, cookery and special children's entries. The show is open to all and members of the public are able to enter any category, with judging taking place and prizes awarded on the day. In June plots are judged in the local competition and the best six go forward to the county competition.

The association has won the Medway Trophy (for the highest aggregate score) every year since 1992 and one or other of the sites has won the Best Site category.

Herne Bay in Bloom home page

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