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Herne Bay in Bloom

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Morning Coffee with the Residents of Cavendish Court


Some members of the Herne Bay in Bloom team spent a pleasant morning with some of the residents of Cavendish Court Herne Bay this week and  presented them with their Certificate for our 2011 Gardening Competion in which their Community garden was awarded second place.

This category was sponsored by building developers Denne Coplan Ltd and included a £20 Garden Voucher.  Carol, the warden, chose the resident to receive the award  on everyone's behalf, a sprightly 90 year old, as it was her son who had kindly planted and maintained the garden during the year and had taken his mother to the garden centre to chose and buy the plants.

Well done to everyone and thank you all for your kind hospitality.

HBIB ladies enjoying a cuppa and a chat with some residents

HBIB ladies enjoying a cuppa and a chat with some residents

Presenting the Certificate Margaret Burns Chair HBIB, Carol, Warden

Presenting the Certificate Margaret Burns Chair HBIB, Carol, Warden

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