Gallery: Christmas in Bloom Plant & Craft Sale
Members of Herne Bay in Bloom committee were invited to sell plants & homemade cake, jams etc in the Canterbury City Council staff canteen.
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Members of Herne Bay in Bloom committee were invited to sell plants & homemade cake, jams etc in the Canterbury City Council staff canteen.
The sun came out in the afternoon of November 9th when children from Herne Bay Infants School took a trip to the Memorial Park to plant the crocus corms supplied by Canterbury City Council's Outdoor Leisure Dept.
Three members from the Herne Bay branch of the British Legion attended to provide each child with poppies and memorial crosses to place in the grass and Herne Bay in Bloom team together with Dick Eburne of Friends of Memorial Park helped with the planting.
Head Teacher Anne Hooker said:
"It's lovely that Herne Bay in Bloom invite us every year and the children are looking forward to seeing the crocus when they blossom in the Spring."
Planting crocus in Memorial Park with pupils from Herne Bay Infants and Herne Bay Branch of the British Legion for Remembrance Day November 2011.