If you live in the Canterbury City Council area...
There is a campaign afoot to improve the way our Council is run, by making it more democratic.
The current "Leader & Executive" system concentrates power in just a few hands, resulting in decisions (opposing village green applications, the Westgate Towers traffic trial, the Local Plan and so on) that are against the public interest, and even against the wishes of councillors who are outside the central clique.
The Campaign for Democracy in Canterbury District aims to correct this by raising enough signatures on a petition to trigger a referendum calling for our Council to be run on the more democratic committee-based system.
You can do your bit by signing the petition, which you can download here.
Even better - and this really would make a difference - you could help by leafleting your street. Just drop me a line at contactCDCD@gmail.com and I'll bring you a fistful of leaflets.
This is your chance to make a lasting improvement to the way our Council works for you.