Open letter, simple question
Dear Charles Buchanan (CEO Manston), Maxim PR (Manston's spin doctors), Infratil (Manston's owners), and anyone who believes Manston's job forecasts:
Have a look at THIS and then, if you like, do some research of your own into passenger/job ratios.
Then come back to this post and give us the names of, say, 3 UK airports that actually deliver 1,000 on-site jobs for every 1,000,000 passengers they handle - this is the ratio that Manston keeps promising.
You get extra points if any of them are regional airports of the size that Manston is forecasting for 2018 (2,000 onsite jobs for 2,286,000 passengers).
If Manston's job forecasts are realistic, this should be easy to do.
The fact is that Manston's job forecasts are absurdly exaggerated - a cruel and selfish deception on the people of Thanet and east Kent.
[First posted 9th Feb 2012]
[Re-posted 21st Feb 2012 - still no answer!]
[22nd Feb 2012 - sent formal request to Tom Wilson (Chief Executive, Infratil Airports Europe Ltd), Charles Buchanan (CEO Manston), and Andrew Metcalf (Director, Maxim PR) for their responses... stay tuned.]