Manston's imaginary friends
"Action for Manston Airport" - clearly a heartfelt plea, so if any of you have any spare action, do sellotape it to a postcard and send it Mr Buchanan at the airport.
It's also the name of a Facebook thingy that's just been magicked out of thin air by a very enthusiastic couple - Irene & Antony Horwood. They have dragooned all their Facebook "friends", and a number of other people, into being an involuntary fan club for Manston.
Of the 222 current members, only 1 "joined" (Irene), all the others were "added". I know of people who have been press-ganged onto this site who never wanted to be there. And I think it's a fair bet that the Horwoods are pushing their luck a bit by adding the whole of Ramsgate town as a "friend"... an indication of how desperate Manston is to synthesise "support".
Another indication is the rash of pro-airport letters in the local press. Some come from people who don't exist on the electoral register, and may not exist at all. More recently, a pro-airport letter appeared under the name of an anti-airport campaigner. Inspector Knacker and a leading local editor will be working closely to find the true author.