AWP postponement explained
Some TDC Members aren't happy with some TDC Officers. Well, an Officer.
Dear Members of the Airport Working Party,
I am cancelling the Airport Working Party meeting which is scheduled for tomorrow [19th Feb] for the following reasons:
1. The paperwork was circulated too late for any useful discussion with officers as to its contents (or lack thereof).
2. My recollection from the original meeting was that the report should focus on what we as a council can do to support economic growth using the airport - and this question has not been addressed in the report.
I am sorry that Members (and indeed others who may have planned to attend from the press and public) may have been inconvenienced. I myself only had sight of the report this Saturday morning (16th February).
As well as asking Democratic Services to circulate AWP members and any others who usually attend, I will ask for Members to be phoned to ensure you receive the notification in time, however as Charles Hungwe is on leave this week, I am also writing to you directly. Could you please advise any substitute member you may have selected about the cancellation, and anyone from the public you are aware of who planned to attend.
I wish it to go on record that I am truly shocked that a report which was requested in October for a January meeting – and which was then delayed several weeks as it was not complete, has not been available until two (working) days before the meeting. This shows a complete lack of respect for Scrutiny and for the members of the working party. That the report only amounted to four pages really added insult to injury!
The report, “The role of Manston International Airport in a new regeneration strategy and overall economic strategy for Thanet” should be a key strategic document. Therefore I can only surmise that either there is no work being done on this vital topic (despite the request from Scrutiny), or we are not being allowed access to the council’s emerging regeneration and economic development policies, which is equally disturbing.
Either way, it makes a mockery of Scrutiny.
Since the main Scrutiny Panel agreed just last week to recommend that the remit and number of Scrutiny committees be widened, we need to seriously reflect on the purpose of the recommendation and its likely effectiveness if not supported by the administration.
Jo Gideon, Chairman, Airport Working Party