Letter to Discovery Park
Discovery Park (Trevor Cartner and Chris Musgrave) now own 80% of the Manston site, and Ann Gloag is a minority shareholder. In a better world, TDC would now be talking to Discovery Park about their plans, in the hope of conjuring the best possible deal for Thanet. In practice, TDC are still fixated on the idea of CPO-ing the site on behalf of RiverOak so that they can run it as a freight hub.
Unfortunately, the only attention that Discovery Park seem to have received so far is a rather presumptuous letter from the Save Manston Gang, telling them what they can and should do with their property. In the interests of them having a more balanced view, we thought we would drop them a line, and copy it to some TDC bigwigs (Mr Boyle is their legal beagle).
Dear Ms Homer and Mr Boyle,
Please find attached a letter to Messrs Cartner and Musgrave about future development at their brownfield site at Manston. We thought you might find it useful as a counterbalance to the letter sent by Dr Beau Webber on behalf of the various groups who want to see an airport developed at Manston.
We are very surprised by the enthusiastic and one-sided support that many Councillors have shown for a cargo hub to be developed at Manston by an untested and inexperienced (in airport operating terms) business partner. Could you let me know when talks will begin with the site's owners about their plans for the site? You will know that, without "exhaustive" talks with the owners about their plans for the site, the Council is not in a position to progress a CPO.
We look forward to hearing from you.