Voice of dissent
As you asked so nicely...
Here's a comment from Signatory 46 on the Petition Against Night Flights:
Why are you people always against any development at Manston. Do you really believe that there would be 103,800 flights a year! Perhaps you should get back to the real world and consider the reality of the position of the airport compared to Gatwick, Heathrow or Stanstead which are not stuck out on a limb like Manston. If you are so against any development at Manston which as you know has been there for many years, you should have given this consideration before moving into the area knowing that the airport was there. Surely one must realise that airports generate aircraft (after all thats what they are there for). I would be pleased to see this published for people to read and maybe generate some common sense in this matter.
Anon 19/6/2009
- Who are these "you people" that I am being swept up with?
- I'm not against "any development". This is a petition against night flights. End-of-life jumbo jets laden with vegetables roaring over Thanet Earth into the Garden of England in the small hours.
- As stated in their Draft Master Plan, 103,800 flights a year is a commercial strategic goal for Infratil. Infratil pay their staff to deliver that strategy. Everyone at Manston will be working towards those numbers, because that's their job. Success = 103,800 flights a year. Here in the real world, that's a very ambitious target, some might say unrealistic or unachievable. Nonetheless, it's worth reflecting on the implications.
- I have a clear picture of Manston's geography. Several, in fact. Obviously, it is well-placed to be a military airbase (being close to Europe) but poorly placed to be a commercial airport (being far from much of Britain). The significance of location, location, location has escaped every purchaser to date.
- I'm not against "any development". Still.
- I know Manston has been there for years. In all the time that Manston has existed, there has never been anything like the volume of traffic that Infratil are aiming for.
- We all understand about airports and aircraft, just as we all understand about roads and cars. What Infratil are proposing to do at Manston is like turning a residential street into a motorway. It's still a road. It's still got cars on it - 'that's what roads are for'. But you'll notice the difference if you live anywhere near it.
I am happy to publish your comment, in the hope that common sense breaks out all over. Common Sense - love the stuff! Can't get enough of it.
Sign the petition against night flights.