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Herne Bay, England, CT6
United Kingdom

Community website for all things Herne Bay (Kent, UK). Covers: The Downs, Herne Bay Museum, Herne Bay Historical Records Society, Herne Bay Pier Trust, Herne Bay in Bloom, East Cliff Neighbourhood Panel, No Night Flights, Manston Airport, Save Hillborough, Kitewood, WEA, Local Plan and much, much more...

No Night Flights

You say (10)


#Manston #nightflights

I would like to state my objections to any proposal to have regular night flights from Manston. My tenants have complained on a number of occasions about noise disturbance from aircraft taking off and landing at Manston. If this were to be extended to night times too there would be serious disruption to sleep.

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We live in St. George's Road, Ramsgate, and we suffer from the noise of planes entering and leaving Manston airport during the day. Occasionally there is a flight in the night, and the noise wakens us.

If night flying into and out of Manston becomes a regular occurrence then sleep disturbance for us and other residents of Ramsgate would become intolerable. The health of a large population would be compromised.

Please do not allow Manston airport to have night flights, except for the rare emergency or humanitarian flight which do sometimes occur.

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I write with regard to your proposal to start night flights from Manston airport. I am very opposed to this expansion however can only say it is utter madness bordering on criminal activity. When is this country going to be run by politicians and not greedy businessmen! I am fed up with the economy being the excuse for continued expansion for this most unpopular industry. It is now proven without doubt that aviation is seriously damaging the environment and health.

These proposals are a violation of peoples human rights and the sooner the aviation industry is properly taxed!!!!!!! the sooner our lives will return to normal. This industry has too many powerful people steering the government in there pro direction and the last bunch of clowns ( new labour) were the biggest culprits. People are being tempted to travel by ridiculously cheap fares. Even though Gordon Brown introduced a tax on flying this just helps the government out and does little or nothing to control the amount of flights. The effects on our planet. and health are not worth the risks and lets be fair, aircraft are not technologically advanced enough to be used on this scale, They are a crude and dated invention left over from the 2nd world war German ME262 67 years ago. I would also like to mention that oil will not last forever and perhaps it would be better to preserve the worlds resources than squander it on cheap holidays and travel.

Finally, The argument with regards to the local economy does not stand up! The channel tunnel ruined Cheriton and the surrounding area under the pretence it would boost the economy, This did not happen, In fact it damaged the local economy but as usual no one takes responsibility. Will the instigators of this latest proposal stand up and tell us that we are all wrong and that they are personally prepared to take responsibility in the event that we are correct!!!

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We have 3 small children (one of whom has special needs) and it is hard enough to get a decent night’s sleep, (for us and them) without noisy low flying aircraft

I know from seeing and hearing the day time flights, that the planes are old and noisy, which of course is worse at night, when sound also travels further.

These aircraft have old tech engines, so generate more pollution than modern equivalents.

It is obvious from recent reports and the history of failure, that Manston is not a realistic option for commercial passenger flights, so the commercial argument of more jobs and benefits to the area is spurious.

Can it really be coincidence that almost none of the people in favour of this proposal live under the routes. I think not.

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You say (9)


#Manston #nightflights

My objections to night flights is for the noise we get from these low flying aircraft coming in to land it’s bad enough during the day.

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Dear Sirs,

I must protest about the proposed night flights we live in Cliffsend just south of the runway during the day when planes take off towards the east we cannot hear our television till they have passed over, when they take off to the west we have to put up with the smell of aviation fuel, when they arrive or take off in the night the noise wakes us both up, surely it cannot be right that we will suffer all night.

I would like to make an open offer for any of your councillors to stay in our house when these freight planes are going over and hear the noise for themselves.

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Thank you for the opportunity to have my say about night flights. Having listened to all the arguments, I am opposed to night flights because of the detrimental effect they will have on Thanet’s economy.

In the immediate future…

1. Ramsgate's tourist industry will be badly affected. Tourists, who would have stayed the night and therefore spent more money, will not want to sleep in Ramsgate. With shorter stays, they will spend less money in local shops and restaurants, threatening the viability of a lot of local businesses. (An example - a couple of friends are coming to stay in a Ramsgate hotel for a short break, this month. They are coming here rather than face the very high price of going to Amsterdam for the same period. We could be making more of such visitors … who are beginning to think twice about holidaying abroad.)

2. The promised jobs, in the airport, if they happen, are likely to be as poorly paid as existing airport jobs – minimum wage. They will not compensate for the lost tourism jobs, which would create better paid, more skilful and fulfilling jobs for Thanet’s population.

3. With the noise of night flights damaging the quality of life, the people who can, are likely to leave, driving down house prices in Ramsgate. More people, with lower incomes, may be attracted to the area, which could result in much higher demand for statutory services – therefore affecting services across Margate and Broadstairs too.

In the longer term…

1. With night flights come interrupted sleep and therefore poor educational attainment for young people (as proved by the research when they moved the airport in Germany). As a result, our young people are likely to have poorer paid jobs, be more disillusioned and possibly disruptive citizens.

2. People already in key jobs, such as teachers, doctors and nurses, with interrupted sleep, are likely to make more mistakes – some of which could be life threatening. So educational and healthcare provision will be worse for the people of Thanet.

3. With broken nights comes more susceptibility to poor health for local people – who are therefore likely to put more stress on local services.

For all these reasons, I oppose night flights from Manston Airport.

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You say (8)


#Manston #nightflights

Hello I am against night flights from Manston Air Port between 11pm and 7am due to the amount of noise that will be produced over my house from the engines and I get up for work at Kent & Canterbury Hospital at 5.30am so I am in bed by 10pm and being a light sleeper I will be kept awake most of the night due to the noise this will also impact on my quality of life.

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I wish to make it known that I am completely opposed to the Night flights proposal to Manston Airport. My home is directly in the flight path of the planes over Herne Bay - which sometimes fly so low during the day, that I can see the Logos on the tail, and are always noisy, causing me irritation even though my home has double glazing.

I am 66 years old, have had triple valve replacement surgery plus a pacemaker in 2008, and must avoid stress. Scheduled night flights over my home would completely destroy my sleep, and ruin my days. The planes which will be used are the older very noisy ones. I am a concert pianist by profession and since my successful surgery, have begun playing again with concerts planned. I need my hours of peaceful sleep. This proposal night flights would totally affect my life in a negative way. During the summer I would never be able to sleep with windows open.

If in Paris the Metro shuts down during the night for the benefit of the citizens—in fact one can use the first Metro as a “wake-up”, why should Herne Bay not be allowed the same courtesy? This is all about money-making at the expense of the public—even our MP Roger Gale has regrettably done a U-turn from his election promises supposedly for the jobs that would be created—but his main concern is always the Thanet towns before Herne Bay. Manston is out on a limb and will never become a viable proposition.

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I am absolutely against night flights at Manston between 11pm and 7am.

I have read all published material regarding the proposals for Manston and do NOT want my sleep disturbed by huge noisy jets taking off and landing in the middle of the night. On the occasions when planes have come in or out of Manston late at night in the past, the noise is horrendous, much more noticeable than in the daytime when other noises dull the sound. If windows are open it is really annoying to be woken up just after going to bed and have to try and get back to sleep again, and if this is in the middle of the night it becomes harder.

With regard to creating much employment, there is little evidence that this would be the case, so the few jobs that might be created are not worth the loss of sleep to residents living either below or adjacent to the runway. My house is to the side of the end of the west of the runway and therefore planes are barely over tall tree height when taking off westwards and visible to the eye from my kitchen window with little need to tilt my head back, giving some idea of the closeness to my property. There are houses considerably nearer than mine and directly under the flight path, which would be even more affected than me. I think we have all been in Ramsgate shopping centre in the daytime and shuddered at the huge planes directly overhead at low altitude, making an incredible din – really frightening.

As seen by the collapse of so many companies trying to set up passenger airlines at Manston, there is not the need for passenger services during the daytime let alone the night-time, so it would probably only be for freight, and as Manston has always only been successful with freight, there is no requirement for this to expand into night flights when the airport is not running at full capacity during the daytime.

NO TO NIGHTFLIGHTS as even if allowed, the conditions would all be broken as currently happens and even if fines are imposed, they are after the event and sleep has already been lost.

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You say (7)


#Manston #nightflights

NO Night Flights Please

I live about 300 metres from the flight path and they are clearly audible when flights are landing outside of permitted times as it is.

Also, am concerned for residents living directly under the flight path and the effect interrupted sleep patterns would have on children's learning. Friends of mine enjoy visiting Ramsgate but have stated they would not continue to do so if night flying started.

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Please take note that we are AGAINST Night Flights between 11pm and 7am at Manston Airport.

How can it be justified to have Night Flights into and out of Manston Airport ? There are enough hours in the daytime to have these extra flights, why on earth should night time be even considered.

On a number of occasions we have been woken up from our sleep either around midnight or around 5am with a plane going into or out of Manston and I can tell you on all of these occasions we have been unable to settle back to sleep for quite some time. My husband and I are pensioners, we need quality and quantity sleeping hours. We need our good health to enjoy the rest of our lives living with good quality air, not polluted air.

We live under the flight path, and whilst we are quite happy to hear and see planes going in and out of Manston during the day we are not happy with the prospect of having them during the night.

As to the extra employment, there is no way the amount of people you have quoted as getting the extra work be justified, dream on we are not fools.

And what about our property, we have already taken a downturn in value because of the economic crises, night flights will make it even worse. We do not want our property devalued any further thank you very much.

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The consideration of granting permission for night time flights based on jobs in this issue, must be dealt with on facts rather than hope, using information supplied by the party who stands to gain. Quite understandably this information will be biased, as Infratil and their shareholders will gain considerably just by increasing their asset value should the Airport be given night flying permission even if it is never used. With that in mind, should you grant permission, as a protection I would suggest you impose a 'Windfall Tax' of 50% of their profits should they sell the asset within the next 10 years. If they are genuine in their intentions they will have no objections whatsoever to these conditions.

The question and consideration of new jobs will encompass 'E.U. Democratic Duty' on the Council's part with regard to the number of parties who stand to gain, and by how much, set against the number of parties who stand to lose and at what cost to them. The Majority defines the existing ruling under that Duty and would only be relevant in future litigation if The Council grants permission in its belief of job creation.

Notwithstanding the above, if The Council is correct in the belief that it holds the authority to allow night time flying then this is a 'Saleable Asset'. This asset belongs to the taxpayer and is deposited with the Elected Representatives to hold or dispose of in our interest. The base foundation of all business transactions is not to give away what can be sold. The Council cannot, under any circumstances, give away our asset to Infratil and its shareholders, to their gain and our loss, when a simple 'Licence' could possible raise millions. This direction would then be to raise revenue rather than create employment. If this reason is adopted by the 'Yes' group and a device is formulated that would achieve a considerable payment to our area, many objectors may change sides, as it is a fair and honest trade to compensate for their personal reduction in living standards to create the 'greater good'. I believe very few objectors think it is a good idea to subsidise a multinational organisation with their personal sacrifice based on a weak promise, that in reality, has cost Infratil very little.

However the entire issue as it now stands has nothing whatsoever to do with revenue or jobs. It is simply about one thing which is noise. It is obvious that if the planes were silent there would not be one objection. On the other hand, if the application was for a facility to land planes on the runway throughout the night, test their engines to the maximum, and then to take off again without creating any jobs, the application would immediately be refused by the Council on the grounds of noise disturbance.

My personal objection is that the job creation argument is too weak. The damage to the community and environment is too high. The opportunity to capitalise on an asset is not being considered, and that there is an element of naivety in negotiating with 'Big Business'.

Thank you for your time

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You say (6)


#Manston #nightflights

I would like to register my objection to any increase in night flying at Manston. I and my neighbours are regularly disturbed by take-offs and landings at Manston during the daytime and any extension of this tonight times would be intolerable.

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We live directly under the flight path. During the day when the largest of the aircraft come over to land the noise is almost unbearable. But as it is during the day we can hear the planes approaching and are ready for the noise. If they were any closer to our home they would be landing on the roof. If these planes were allowed to land during the night time we would be asleep and would not hear them approaching. Imagine being awoken to this terrible noise. This would greatly have an impact on our health.

If Thanet Council allow night flights are they going to give us

1. Extra double glazing

2. Extra noise protection within the roof area

3. Reduce our rates

4. Reimburse us for the devaluation of our properties

I will personally record the noise and if Environmental Health don't intervene will take Thanet Council to the European Court. Whatever the costs.

I have lived for a time at Manston and the noise there is not as loud as it is on the approach over our properties. I feel sorry for the children that will wake. I can't emphasise enough the terrible roar of engines which sound as though the planes are going to crash onto our properties I suggest that the spokesman/woman for the Council stay at some of the addresses that will be affected to see if this is acceptable. During night hours the noise will be even greater because the daily background noise pollution will not be there.

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Ramsgate has an extremely large volume of listed properties (including mine) with single glazed windows. We do not want noise equivalent to thunder flying over in the evening and waking our children. There are many other factors for not considering night flights as practical. Some of these include the environmental impact (from pollution), drastically reduced house prices for investors and other home owners. Other airports such as Gatwick, Stansted and Heathrow are plainly more appropriate for scheduled passenger flights due to the proximity to London and cost for transport irrespective of high speed rail services (which are cost prohibitive for most).

I'm most interested in participating in the campaign to stop Manston Expansion. My husband runs a SME business with 9 employees and I have just set up a company based in Ramsgate. We work, pay tax and will be looking to employ local talent. My business requires clients to come and stay in Ramsgate to attend my courses - but who will want to come and stay under a flight path. I am afraid that if this goes ahead, I will have to re-think and possibly move both my family and company.

Improving the area with respect to holiday visitors is the obvious investment strategy post HS1 and mid recession. We could see a huge and very positive difference in the influx of investors in the area and early signs substantiate this statement. However, people will NOT speculate with the prospect of airport expansion and the township will deteriorate as a result. Ramsgate has been waiting 40 years for the opportunity to return to former glory. Wouldn't it be 'another' great shame for a town that is becoming used to seeing attractions of major historical significance fall into disrepair and close. What do the older generation have to say about this? Employment will rise as a result of tourism to this wonderful and historical town. Transportation to and from the beach town is paramount but can be catered to protect the environment by our friends at South Eastern. THIS needs to be the focus and opportunity to market the area as an alternative to travelling abroad must be taken seriously.

I lived in London for more than 10 years and had no idea that there was a sandy beach in a place called Thanet. I arrived to view houses during carnival time and stayed (permanently) in a London commuter based capacity. My family came down to Thanet for its excellent grammar and independent schools. Education is important to our family and I don't want my children to suffer at school from a disturbed night sleep. It’s about time to wake up but not as a result of a plane flying over our house! We need to think of our children, the next generation!

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You say (5)


#Manston #nightflights

This email is to let you know that I am opposed to night flights at Manston on the grounds that I live directly under the flight path the noise will cause the deprivation of sleep which in itself is a heath risk. Tourism will be greatly affected with the loss of more jobs than will be created at Manston.

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I may be uniquely qualified to comment on the effect of night flights at Manston. I fly 25K- 30K miles a year usually spread over between 8 and 12 flights, so spend quite a lot of time at and travelling to, airports. Because of the geographical spread of my family I spend several months living close to Sydney, Kingsford Smith airport, I spend some weeks about 15 miles from Stansted Airport and most of the rest of the time in Broadstairs. In my career I have worked at several airports and know the industry fairly well but I don't claim to be an expert on the finer points.

I can say that whilst Sydney and Stansted have a curfew on night flights, the first arrivals in the morning at just after 06:00 wake me up. The whine of the approaching aircraft to Stansted is intrusive enough to do this, in Sydney because there is a large number of flights arriving, reverse thrust braking is used extensively to clear the runway quickly for the next arrival. The roar shatters the silence, making it futile to try to sleep past 06:00 with windows open. Admittedly it's all over by 09:30 but the damage is done. If this were to happen all night there would be extensive public action and the politicians would probably all be out of work!

I think it's fair to say that the population of Sydney and Stansted would rather the airports were somewhere else. Noise complaints and proposed mitigation matters feature in the Sydney Morning Herald regularly. The Federal government wants to build a second Sydney airport but no one wants it near them, so they can't agree on a site.

Manston is unlikely to attract sufficient passengers to make it viable, after all most of the UK population have to drive past 3 or 4 perfectly usable airports to get there.

Freight is the only option for its survival. A significant amount of airfreight to the UK/Europe moves over night in lorries because of airport curfews. The freight operators wish it were not so and Infratil will be aware of this. They want to be able to offer night flights as their unique selling point to the operators, once they do, I fear pressure will be applied to increase numbers, perhaps to capacity. In addition air freight is mostly carried in older aircraft which do not have the newer quieter generation of bypass turbo fan engines so they are inherently noisier. It should be noted that there is no sound deadening when reverse thrust is employed with any engine. Interestingly at Sydney an Airbus A380 takes off in the evening just before or after a Boeing 747 freighter, the Airbus is almost silent but the 747 can't be missed.

In the near term, employment won't necessarily increase at Manston because air freight handling is largely mechanical and semi automatic; one crew can cope with several aircraft fairly quickly. There seems to me to be no reason to support Manston in any way at all, it has always struggled and it always will and councillors should be mindful of the debacle their predecessors created over Sally Lines when they were completely outmanoeuvred by a smart operator. It ruined the Western Undercliff and has provided very little employment in compensation, and they thought Ramsgate was going to rival Dover!

I rest my case.

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I am writing to express my disapproval at the idea of night flights of any kind at Manston airport.

I believe night flights will disrupt the sleep of people living in the area generally and not just people living under the flight path.

It will also be detrimental to the regeneration of the area and in particular damage tourism in Ramsgate.

Air travel is not something that should be expanding in the 21st century. The resulting pollution takes us in the opposite direction to the one we should be moving in.

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I would like to express my opposition to any night flights from Manston airport. I live in Broadstairs, about 4 miles from Manston airport, and have made previous complaints from being awoken at night by noise intrusion caused by aircraft taking off or flying in to Manston.

This, during the autumn/winter months when the house windows have been closed, gives rise to serious concerns that noise levels are likely to be at unacceptable levels during the spring/summer months when windows are more likely to be open.

Thanet appears to be particularly still at night, perhaps an effect of being surrounded on three sides by water, and therefore any noise appears amplified. The noise of a large aircraft, unlike a passing train, appears to go on for a number of minutes, and with the likelihood of several interruptions during any one night the disruption to sleep could be profound and therefore unacceptable

I do not believe any perceived economic benefit of night time flight operations would outweigh the likely negative impact on the surrounding areas in terms of sleep disruption, especially when so close to such a densely populated area.

I have no opposition to commercial flights during the day, and have actively used such flights when they have been operated in the past. But the impact to myself, my family and any tourists staying in the area would, I believe, be significant and I therefore oppose any and all night flights.

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You say (4)


#Manston #nightflights

As Ramsgate rate-payers in an urban post-code directly affected by Manston air traffic, we wish to register our protest at the prospect of night-flights in and out of Manston airport between the hours of 11pm and 7am.

The health, rest and quality of life of the rate-paying residents of this historic part of Kent should be paramount in the consideration of Thanet District Council, and we urge you to reject the Manston night-flight proposals.

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Passenger Flight have failed every time they have been introduced.

The Cargo Planes are incredibly noisy - even Double Glazing does not block the noise. Are you going to install Triple Glazing in all properties affected by this? In the past you have compensated residents affected by your decisions e.g. Pegwell in order to block Hovercraft noise, have you factored this into your feasibility regarding Manston?

The increase employment opportunities are just Red Herring.

We need more employment in this area, but just causing more noise and pollution is not the way to make Thanet more attractive. Consider ventures that enhance the area not demean it.

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My fiancée and I moved to Manston almost 3 years ago and we were obviously aware of the airfield. We moved in fully aware that there would be noise during daytime hours but as a working couple the disruption to us would be very minimal. Quite simply if there had been the spectre of night flights at the time we would not have purchased our lovely home.

I understand the argument that a more operational airfield will bring much needed employment to Thanet but I believe the number of positions often quoted are out of proportion and not achievable.

With regards to night flights I would also ask if people feel these new jobs created are of more importance than the jobs us who live near the airport or under its flight path are already employed in? Night flights will mean sleepless nights for all and logically lack of sleep will impact greatly on people's work and also the schooling of our children. I for one fail to see how the benefits of a few more jobs outweighs the downsides that will be created. I would also like to point out that I do support a successful airfield at Manston but only if night flights are not allowed.

I also wonder why our local council are not more behind resurrecting Dreamland as an option for local employment. Surely a successful Dreamland will also create long term employment with the added bonus of more people coming to Margate and spending money in the town which would help with local regeneration. Hopefully this regeneration would in turn bring more tourism to the whole of Thanet and all without the impact of night time flying.

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As a local resident who lives approximately 600 Yards from the main runway at Manston Airport, I would like to make it clear that I have strong objections to Manston Airport conducting flights between 11.00pm and 6.00am and would add the following comments:-

  • I have absolutely no objection to the Manston being a successful DAYTIME airport (but doubt its viability).
  • When we moved into our house over eighteen years ago, we actually viewed the airport as a novelty (particularly the air shows and Concorde).
  • I live in a Grade II listed building, so double glazing to reduce noise is out of the question.
  • The proposal to move "night flights" to between 11.30pm and 6.00am is absolutely ludicrous - I for one could not function properly on only six and a half hours sleep, and that may also include being woken again during the night.
  • We are already regularly woken by night flights (and complain to Manston Airport) and yes it does disturb our sleep patterns.
  • As much as we may want to, moving house at present is not an option as night flights are (and would in the future) blight the sale of our property.
  • Should we really be encouraging an increase in the burning of more fossil fuels and creating more pollution (we also get an unpleasant smell for aircraft movements when the wind is in northerly direction).
  • As was exposed recently, the argument for a large increase in local jobs and the minimal effect of noise has been greatly exaggerated.
  • As has been shown by two Aircraft Operators failing to make a profit, Manston is in the wrong place. Being surrounded by the sea on three sides and being 80 mile from London, I do not believe it is never going to be a viable airport.
  • Finally I believe that Manston Airport should be subjected to a full Planning Application, when real public consultation can take place.
  • I really do encourage Thanet District Council to do all they can to listen to the residence who are most affected by the night flight proposals as there is a possibility of hundreds of people’s lives could be blighted.

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You say (3)


#Manston #nightflights

I am against Manston’s Night Flying Proposal because of the effect on my health. I live very close to the West end of Manston Runway. Being woken up by noisy aeroplanes several times a night is, in my opinion going to severely affect my health.

I also believe that the economic benefits claimed by the Airport owners are exaggerated.

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I'm against night flights at Manston airport. Thanet's main sources of income are service based, relying on tourism and language students in particular. Both these industries help families and businesses across the board, and both will be affected by night disturbances.

Night flights do not generate jobs, they cause hardship. Every pronouncement of more jobs for Thanet have greatly over-estimated the number of jobs available to locals, e.g. the Port, the Holiday Package airlines, Thanet Earth, the Channel ferries out of Ramsgate.... The airport is becoming a 'training area' for pilots wanting to keep up with their flying hours, and for planes to park cheaply, and for freight movements. These activities do not offer significant full-time jobs for locals.

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Sleep deprivation is considered a form of torture – unless it’s from authorised commercial business! DO NOT AUTHORISE SCHEDULED NIGHT FLIGHTS.

I have a young son who needs good sleep every night in order to concentrate properly at school during the day.

My wife needs a good night’s sleep every night so that she can adequately care for our son while I am at work. I am a ship’s captain and work away from home for lengthy periods.

I have no objection to large, loud aircraft operating in and out of Manston airport during the hours from 8am until 6pm but am against any scheduled flights by these large cargo aircraft outside these hours.

I recently had to join a ship in Stornoway. There was a Flybe flight to Edinburgh from Manston and a connecting to flight to Stornoway from Edinburgh. However, my company sent me via Heathrow – it was much cheaper, with a re-schedulable ticket, and including the train fare. As long as Manston does not compete on price with Heathrow and Gatwick, passenger numbers will never be more than a trickle. Years ago I used EUJet to reach Budapest – there were 16 people on a 100 seat aircraft. There just isn’t enough people willing to travel all the way to Manston to get a flight when the majority of the south east population are closer to Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton and Stansted.

The high speed train from Ramsgate to London makes it simpler to fly from London for people in Thanet and Dover, meaning even less using Manston airport.

There will soon be almost no daytime scheduled flights in/out of Manston. USE THOSE HOURS before allowing Infratil to destroy every night in Thanet.

I do not understand why Thanet District Council have simply just refused to allow night flights for the foreseeable future – it is the will of the majority of residents anywhere along the flight path.

There is “talk” of a new Thames Estuary airport, or connecting Heathrow with Gatwick. Either plan would make any changes at Manston obsolete, unnecessary and unwanted.

I do not believe the Infratil predicted employment growth for the airport. I command a 5000 tonne oil tanker that has a crew of 10. That is a large crew complement for a 5000 tonne tanker. The refineries I visit have far less employees than lay people would think. Most work is contracted out to the lowest bidder who will sign the contract terms. Such methods would be the reality with Infratil. This is how corporations practice.

I previously lived in Herbert Road, Ramsgate. The cargo aircraft were so noisy and flew so low, the buildings shook and car and house alarms were regularly set off by the vibrations the noise caused. I remember looking up and being able to see the individual panels making up the wings and fuselage. The planes still had a few miles to go before they reached the runway. It’s not much better now that I live on the other side (to the north) of Ellington Park.

My father used to be a police sergeant based at the Ramsgate Police Station. One year, the police, fire brigade and ambulance services were tasked with an emergency exercise to create a plan for dealing with a large aircraft crashing into the town of Ramsgate instead of landing on Manston runway. Regardless of any official findings and senior officer statements, I believe the rank and file of the emergency services felt that in the real emergency, there were insufficient resources to deal with such a calamity. The resources available to the emergency services are less now than in the 1980’s.

Cargo aircraft need more powerful engines than passenger aircraft, so are much noisier. They require more thrust to take off and land, making that  noisier. As they do not carry passengers, their safety standards may not be required to be as high. Certainly, the companies operating such aircraft will not have safety as such a high priority as a company predominantly operating passenger aircraft. Cargo is not so likely to walk off an aircraft as passengers might.

Instead of aircraft using the site, set up a wind farm and solar power site instead. A much better use of the space.

Ramsgate has an underused port. The Council should divert their energies to improving the use of this resource which has caused very little complaint over the years. The biggest disappointment in recent years was when the Sally ferry service ended! There are almost no ferry services across the Channel for foot passengers nowadays. Ramsgate is missing a big opportunity, especially with the fast train from London, to have foot passenger ferry services to the continent.

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You say (2)


#Manston #nightflights

I am totally opposed to any night flights operating between the hours of 11pm and 7am into or out of Manston Airport. I and my family do not want to be disturbed during the night by aircraft noise as proper rest and undisturbed sleep are vital to one's wellbeing.

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I object to the proposal to allow the operation of night flights out of Manston.

Prior to living in Kent, I used to live close to Gatwick, and am aware of how night time flights blight the entire community.

The proposal WILL NOT mean extra jobs at Manston, but will make the entire area smell permanently of Jet A1 fuel.

This is a quiet area of the country, please ensure that it stays that way.

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I am strongly opposed to Night Flights which fly directly over my home and into Manston Airport.

Already during the day they are extremely noisy, so I cannot believe you are even considering allowing them between 11pm to 7am.

Do you intend to compensate residents and pay for Triple glazed windows on homes across the region?

I believe that I have a basic human right to night time sleep in my own home.

The aeroplanes I see in use are not the same as passenger jets, they literally create 10 times the amount of noise.

We should be promoting the Garden of England and its own grown products not destroying it for the sake of one or two people involved in the ownership of an Airport.

Only 10 or 20 jobs may be created while thousands of lives will be ruined, are you prepared to sacrifice everyone in the area for that?

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I am totally against night flights between 11pm and 7am from & to Manston Airport.

At present, although I live miles from Manston, aircraft fly directly over my home flying into Manston Airport, often low enough for me to read the company logo on the side & tail fin.

The noise is disruptive in the daytime & extremely sleep disturbing at night.

Yesterday for example, Saturday 4th Feb 2012 early afternoon, I was on the telephone to a friend inside my home & she asked me `what is that noise' - I told her, `it's a plane flying into Manston' !

So, you might understand, that during the night, when those low flying planes have come over, it wakes one up from a deep sleep, you don't know why, but then realise there's a noise. what is it ?

I've experienced a fleeting panic on occasions wondering if it's someone trying to break- in that's woken me/ then you make sense of the sound as you lay in the darkness of the bedroom, you listen and because sometimes the plane flies so low you have to make sure they are going on safely to the airport & not about to crash.

It's not just me that gets disturbed and worried, it starts the dog next door barking, she too wonders what's that noise in the night !

I've had the same problem with the children a) because of the plane noise & b) then dog then barking. I have had to get up out of bed, settle the children back to sleep, that can take up to half an hour.

So, once a night of this disturbance/disruption occasionally to ones sleep is quite enough, anything more would be totally unbearable, especially when/if you've got to get up next morning early for the children or to go to work.

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You say (1)


#Manston #nightflights

I am strongly against Manston’s night flying proposal.

I changed the habit of a lifetime at the last election and voted Labour because of the stand they made on this subject.

They seem to now be sitting on the fence on this matter reneging on a pre election promise.

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I live directly under the flight path and wish to register my protest against Infratil's proposals. I have already been woken up several times in the past by very noisy cargo planes flying very low over my house in the middle of the night. Double-glazing and thick loft insulation does not block out the noise.

I am not against Manston developing, but surely they should fill the daytime slots first, rather than blighting people's lives with sleep deprivation. A good night's sleep is as essential to health as food and water.

I note that Flybe's decision to leave Manston was not because of restrictions on night flights, but because they could not fill their planes during the day.

Why should thousands of residents' quality of life be destroyed so that Infratil can increase their profits ? Where are these 3000 jobs coming from that Infratil say they will create ? The latest independent report doesn’t believe it and neither do I. Unfortunately, Manston is in the wrong place to be a busy passenger airport.

This is all about putting profit above people's health.

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I am writing to offer both mine and my wife's views and intense objections against the night flight proposals by Infratil, for the consultation which began on Friday 3rd February.

We have been following the ongoing developments and my wife has attended one the 'No night Flights' meetings recently. We are both extremely anxious about the proposals and what the result of approval will mean. We are amongst thousands of other residents in the area whose property lies very close to the flight path of Manston Airport and whose lives would be severely affected by night flights being agreed. This is why:

Currently, although staggeringly loud, the planes that fly in and out do not particularly concern us or overly disturb our lives due to their irregularity or times of the day that they arrive/take off. The proposal of up to 8 flights per night however would turn our lives upside down - and I suspect many thousands of other people in Ramsgate and the surrounding areas too. The scale of which cannot be underestimated. The consequences of any night flights would be devastating to our lives, both financially, mentally and emotionally. This is not being dramatic. It will be the repercussions of the night flying that will have the biggest impact. I believe that the result of having flights at Manston during the night would have monumental effects on local residents sleep patterns and therefore affect home and work lives, potentially irreversibly. There is no way in my mind that any human being could sleep through the deafening noise of planes landing in such close proximity of so many residential properties in the middle of the night, let alone up to eight or more per night. My feeling is that, if night flights are given the go head, this will give Manston the gateway to warrant more regular flights during the entirety of the night and possibly flights 24/7.

It is interesting to see where the councillors actually live in conjunction to the flight path. Very few indeed live in the proximity of the flight path. I hope that they are fully aware of how deafeningly loud a cargo plane is when stood a few hundred feet away looking up at these vehicles. Imagine trying to stay asleep indoors for one of these arrivals/take-offs... Imagine trying to stay asleep when there are 5, 7, 10, 12 planes with a noise level of 95 decibels per night. Someone asked me recently when discussing this, what I thought 95 decibels sounds like. I said to them "Well the loudest thing I think I've ever experienced is standing almost directly under the flight path of a Boeing 747 cargo plane that is coming in to land! In fact - what a perfect example; because that will be around about 95 decibels!!"

Anyone who is adopting the general attitude of 'you'll get used to it' will be sorely mistaken. Herein lies the problem. Nobody knows for certain exactly how noisy, or how badly this will affect their lives - until it's too late; until it is actually happening. Because once Manston Airport has the go ahead to do this - there will be no turning back and night flights will be here to stay. This is why night flight's cannot be allowed and why Manston Airport should not get the clearance for something that they did not have the plans for when the Airport was purchased.

Night Flights would have such a catastrophic effect on so many lives which could quite realistically lead to ill health, both from disturbed sleep and pollution, hugely devalued properties, the effect on people's jobs, families and general well being. There must be so many people, like myself and my wife who have busy lives, stressful jobs and enough to cope with already with the current economic climate and trying to run a home and bring up small children. Without the prospect of massive sleep deprivation for ever more if the night flights are given the thumbs up.

Moreover, on a personal level, one of our greatest concerns is the affect this will have on our daughter's future and her schooling. There will inevitably be huge negative consequence on the learning abilities of any child who experiences sleep disturbances on this scale. As most are probably aware, neither Gatwick or Heathrow allow for such flights at these times. Manston should not be the exception.

What I really cannot get my head around is how Mr Buchanan and the representatives of Manston Airport are attempting to convince people that so many jobs will be created and how so many people from across Thanet will benefit from job opportunities. This is just not accurate. The Airport will never be given the go ahead for expansion for passenger services because the infrastructure does not currently exist. People will not travel to Thanet from London and beyond for this purpose. Which leaves only cargo hauliers. How many jobs will be created from more arrivals carrying pallets of goods that need to be offloaded and put onto a truck with a forklift? A few I imagine. Maybe 20. Maybe up to 100-200? Probably not that many. Does this fairly irrelevant number of job opportunities outweigh the negative effect these flights will have on thousands of people and their families/children? The negative effects that these flights may have on visitors/tourism to Thanet? The effects on local businesses, pollution etc etc? The answer is 'No'. Not that I can see from any evidence or anything I've read. Which is why we strongly oppose this application.

I truly hope that Councillors, MP's, and residents alike do not take these proposals lightly and brush off the fact that so many lives will be badly affected if these plans are granted.

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