You say (10)
I would like to state my objections to any proposal to have regular night flights from Manston. My tenants have complained on a number of occasions about noise disturbance from aircraft taking off and landing at Manston. If this were to be extended to night times too there would be serious disruption to sleep.
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We live in St. George's Road, Ramsgate, and we suffer from the noise of planes entering and leaving Manston airport during the day. Occasionally there is a flight in the night, and the noise wakens us.
If night flying into and out of Manston becomes a regular occurrence then sleep disturbance for us and other residents of Ramsgate would become intolerable. The health of a large population would be compromised.
Please do not allow Manston airport to have night flights, except for the rare emergency or humanitarian flight which do sometimes occur.
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I write with regard to your proposal to start night flights from Manston airport. I am very opposed to this expansion however can only say it is utter madness bordering on criminal activity. When is this country going to be run by politicians and not greedy businessmen! I am fed up with the economy being the excuse for continued expansion for this most unpopular industry. It is now proven without doubt that aviation is seriously damaging the environment and health.
These proposals are a violation of peoples human rights and the sooner the aviation industry is properly taxed!!!!!!! the sooner our lives will return to normal. This industry has too many powerful people steering the government in there pro direction and the last bunch of clowns ( new labour) were the biggest culprits. People are being tempted to travel by ridiculously cheap fares. Even though Gordon Brown introduced a tax on flying this just helps the government out and does little or nothing to control the amount of flights. The effects on our planet. and health are not worth the risks and lets be fair, aircraft are not technologically advanced enough to be used on this scale, They are a crude and dated invention left over from the 2nd world war German ME262 67 years ago. I would also like to mention that oil will not last forever and perhaps it would be better to preserve the worlds resources than squander it on cheap holidays and travel.
Finally, The argument with regards to the local economy does not stand up! The channel tunnel ruined Cheriton and the surrounding area under the pretence it would boost the economy, This did not happen, In fact it damaged the local economy but as usual no one takes responsibility. Will the instigators of this latest proposal stand up and tell us that we are all wrong and that they are personally prepared to take responsibility in the event that we are correct!!!
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We have 3 small children (one of whom has special needs) and it is hard enough to get a decent night’s sleep, (for us and them) without noisy low flying aircraft
I know from seeing and hearing the day time flights, that the planes are old and noisy, which of course is worse at night, when sound also travels further.
These aircraft have old tech engines, so generate more pollution than modern equivalents.
It is obvious from recent reports and the history of failure, that Manston is not a realistic option for commercial passenger flights, so the commercial argument of more jobs and benefits to the area is spurious.
Can it really be coincidence that almost none of the people in favour of this proposal live under the routes. I think not.
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