New EU rules will outlaw
flying Kenyan veg into Manston, meaning fewer cargo night flights in 2013.
Thanks to the automated
cleverness of the web, I get a steady stream of more or less interesting stuff
from every corner of the globe. This little snippet is courtesy of the European
Commission, and I think I’ve managed to get the right end of this new bit of red
Since 2009, the European legislators
have been heroically protecting us from iffy food. The sort of things they look
out for should never form part of a balanced diet - Aflatoxins, Salmonella, Norovirus,
Hepatitis A, Pesticide residues, Aluminium and suchlike.
Anything that they’ve spotted
as being a potential problem - specific foods from specific countries - goes on
a watch
list. The watch list is periodically reviewed, with items being added and
removed, or having the testing frequency adjusted.
Two of the
latest additions to this watch list are peas and beans (in the pod) from
Kenya, the cause of concern being pesticide residues (in
particular residues of: Dimethoate (Sum), Chlorpyriphos, Acephate,
Methamidophos, Methomyl, Diafenthiuron, Indoxacarb). It doesn’t appear to
be a screaming dib-dabs panic, as they only plan to test 10% of imports - the
lowest level of inspection. These additions to the watch list were published on
12th Dec 2012 and come into effect on 1st Jan 2013.
So what? Well, I’ve heard
many descriptions of the freight flown into Manston - cut flowers, fruit salads
- but a recurring feature has always been Kenyan green beans. This is what
Cargolux and others are flying in when they arrive in the small hours, in yet
another unexpected late arrival.
Watch list items can only be
imported through Designated Entry Points - DEPs are the ports and airports that
have the Food Standard Agency (FSA) approved facilities for randomly testing the
agreed percentage of imports.
Manston is not a Designated Entry
These are the UK’s current DEPs:
Belfast port, Felixstowe port, Gatwick
airport, Grimsby and Immingham port, Harwich port, Heathrow airport, Hull and Goole port, Liverpool port, London
Thamesport, London Tilbury port, Manchester airport, Port of Bristol, Port of
Tyne, Portsmouth port, Sheerness port, Southampton port, Stansted airport, Teesport.
This seems to mean that as of
1st January next year, Kenyan peas and beans (in the pod) can’t be
flown into Manston - unless/until the airport is FSA approved. The FSA website
site has a handy application
form, if Infratil are thinking of taking that route.
Of course, all of this is
exactly the sort of thing that most modern businesses prepare for through contingency
planning, risk registers, SWOT analysis, and so on. Manston’s business plan
should be able to deal with one income stream drying up.
With a bit of luck though, we’ll
be getting fewer night flights while Charles Buchanan manages this unexpected opportunity.