Don't shoot the messenger!
Easy to attack messenger over meeting over housing
I would like to respond to the letter in last week's paper about the public meeting at Beltinge village hall on Kitewood's plans for housing development (Letters, Herne Bay Gazette, October 27).
I too am a resident of Beltinge, but unlike the letter writer, I chose to organise a meeting to bring residents together to express their concerns. I put an agenda before the meeting which was accepted.
You will always will have some individuals who seek to attack the messenger rather than the message. I would have thought that this individual would have better spent his energy on pointing out the pitfalls of the project.
As I had paid for the hire of the hall, printing some 50 eight-page documents, and distributed some 250 meeting notices, my budget could not run to a sound system, nor a state of the art communication system.
It is obvious that this individual does not read local newspapers or follow local issues in the Beltinge area where I have been active on many issues.
Michael Britten, Osborne Gardens, Beltinge
HB Gazette 3rd Nov 2011 Letters
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