Roll up, roll up! This is probably your last chance to influence the Master Plan, so have a look and then have your say. Not only can you have a close look at the William Street development plans, if you choose the day carefully, there will be someone to explain it all.
Herne Bay Central Development Area, Draft Master Plan Consultation
The council is committed to regenerating the Herne Bay Central Development Area as the main way of driving a stronger economy for Herne Bay as a whole. The Central Development Area encompasses the King's Road and William Street car parks, extending north to the High Street. It also includes parts of Beach Street and Hanover Street, as well as William Street and Queen Street. The result will be a thriving mixed use development.
The council has been working with our partners Coplan and Denne to draw together all of the previous consultation comments to produce a Draft Master Plan. We now wish to consult on this to ensure that we have accurately captured the views of local residents and businesses. When we have considered all of the comments we will look to finalise the Master Plan and hopefully consider a planning application for the central development area in early 2011.
You can view the draft Master Plan at Christ Church, William Street, Herne Bay at an exhibition lasting each day from 10am to 4pm, from Monday August 16th until Sunday September 26th 2010 (except Wednesday mornings and Sundays). You can also view the Draft Master Plan at Herne Bay Divisional Office, Herne Bay Library; and the main city council offices. A summary of the Draft Master Plan, which you can take away with you, is also available at all of these locations. We have produced a questionnaire but do feel free to write in or email your comments to if you prefer.
The council and Coplan will be holding two sets of Question and Answer days at Christ Church, William Street. These will be from 10am to 4pm on Monday 16th August, Tuesday 17th August, Wednesday 18th August; and Wednesday 1st September, Thursday 2nd September and Friday 3rd of September. We will also be available from 10am until 8pm on Wednesday 1st September and from 10am to 4pm on Saturday 11th September. I hope you will find time to drop in and view the exhibition or indeed to come along on one of the Question and Answer days. If not do please have a look at this website where you will be able to gain all of the information:
Comments can also be left at the Corporate Trailer which will be based by the Clock Tower, Herne Bay on Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th August. The Trailer will have be staffed and have copies of the Draft Master Plan available for reference. I look forward to receiving your comments on the proposals for the Central Development Area at: