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Filtering by Tag: Roger Matthews

Toad works ahead


Reptiles ready to move in

A giant cane toad is among Terry Matthews' friends moving to a new home in Sea Street, Herne Bay, on 1st July. His Penfolds reptile and amphibian centre will be stocking exotic pets from boa constrictor snakes to tortoises. Terry, the son of former city councillor Roger Matthews, said:

"My dad had a tropical fish shop when I was young and I loved it. But I was always more into newts and lizards. I’ve been breeding pythons for years. Getting my own place seemed the next logical step."

HB Times 30th Jun 2011

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Standards for England "We believe in principled local politics. Our mission is to champion and promote high standards of conduct amongst our local politicians".

Roger Matthews did wrong. He accepts he broke the rules. Standards for England agree he broke the rules. Guess what happened next...

The Ethical Standards Officer found that, in respect of his promotion of the proposal to develop land at Greenhill, the member breached the Code of Conduct by bringing his office into disrepute. The member also breached the Code by failing to withdraw from a meeting when two planning applications in which he had a prejudicial interest were considered. The Ethical Standards Officer took all the relevant circumstances into the case before deciding that no further action needed to be taken.

Following his clearance on corruption charges in 2010, the police were less than happy (having spent a lot of time and effort on the case) and probably hoped someone could make something stick. The Standards Committee had not received an official complaint about Cllr Matthews before or during his trial. The Standards Committee do not have the power to initiate enquiries or disciplinary proceedings - they can only act in response to complaints received, and details of the complainant are not published. We don't know who lodged the complaint about Cllr Matthews with the Standards Committee.

The Standards Committee decided, for whatever reason, that this was too big/difficult/hot to handle and passed it up to Standards for England, their overseeing body. The heroic and highly principled conclusion that Standards for England have arrived at is to do absolutely nothing. Their "reasoning" being that the trial had been expensive, Matthews had withdrawn from his party, and there's an election soon anyway. CCC's Standards Committee cannot appeal against this decision.

"Standards for England" - aren't they breaching the Trades Descriptions Act in some way? Cllr Matthews appears in today's papers saying "I broke the rules"; Standards for England's investigation confirm this; no action is taken, no sanction imposed.

Read the Standards for England report.

Complain about Standards for England HERE.

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Mixed reception for development plans


Ambitious plans for a £35 million regeneration of Herne Bay town centre have been met with mixed reactions. Scores of people packed into the Salvation Army Hall on Tuesday as Bay councillors gave their views.

The scheme, led by developers Denne Construction and regeneration experts Coplan Estates, includes a supermarket, shopping centre, homes, multi-storey car park, hotel and a medical centre. It could be complete as early as 2014. Concerns have been raised that the development will draw people away from shops in Mortimer Street, but that suggestion was shot down by finance guru Cllr Peter Lee. He said:

"There's no point in establishing a new shopping centre and killing off the old one. The objective is to make one complement the other. Currently, only 31 per cent of the money that comes into the town is actually spent here. Why should people come from outside Herne Bay when we can't even get the people who live here to shop in the town? It's taken a long time but we are determined to get it right for the future of Herne Bay"

Fellow councillor Robert Bright, owner of Lisa B's furniture store in William Street, said:

"As somebody who does own a small shop in the town, I think a new retail centre with several well known shops will bring people into the town. That means more people in Mortimer Street, more people in William Street and more people in my shop."

Lib Dem Ron Flaherty praised the proposal, but said:

"On the plans it says medical centre. But that's only a couple of words on a map at the moment. The city council has got to take the initiative because doctors will sit back until the heavens open. We need to get them all together and look at what's possible. We could do what Whitstable did at Estuary View under the guidance of Dr Ribchester."

Not everyone was behind plans to redevelop the proposed site. Student tour operator Diane Nutter claims losing the coach parking in William Street could cost the town dearly. She told the meeting her company brings 6,250 students to the town every year, arriving weekly from February to November. The coaches park in William Street car park five days a week and the drivers stay in rented accommodation or B&Bs on the seafront. She said:

"I'm all for the principle of the development, but having to park the coaches well outside the town is simply not viable. In all we bought well over £600,000 to the town last year and that doesn't include the money spent in Whitstable and Canterbury. I feel the loss of important long-stay parking facilities in Herne Bay will have a devastating effect on the town."

Bay councillor Roger Matthews also rubbished the proposed development:

"This started off as a redevelopment of the town centre, but now it's moved. We've already got a shopping centre in Mortimer Street that nobody can get at. That's what we should be concentrating on. There are other sites in Herne Bay, but they're not council owned and would have to be purchased. That's the problem."

County councillor Jean Law hit back at Cllr Matthews, saying:

"This is a fantastic proposal. Does Cllr Matthews really believe we've lost sight of William Street and Mortimer Street? Why does he think we've spent the last 18 months working with Chris West and Herne Bay Town Partners to make it look better to improve it? There's room for both."

HB Gazette 29th July 2010

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Canterbury councillor Roger Matthews acquitted...


... but developer Julian Brealy convicted

A Kent property developer has been warned he could be facing a jail sentence after a jury convicted him of corruption. The verdict on Julian Brealy came shortly after Canterbury city councillor Roger Matthews was acquitted of the charge. The jury of six men and six women found estate agent and property developer Brealy guilty by a 10-2 majority. He was granted conditional bail until sentence on April 13. Brealy, of Mandarin Lane, Herne Bay, and Mr Matthews, of Beltinge Road, Herne Bay, denied the charge.

Mr Matthews, 58, was alleged to have corruptly received benefit by way of unpaid rent as a reward for promoting the interests of Brealy, 51, and two of his companies, Herne Bay Golf Club and Hollanby Estates Ltd. His landlord was Hollanby Estates. Brealy is managing director and a shareholder in the family business. Mr Matthews, who represented Greenhill and Eddington, denied he showed favour to Brealy in return for being allowed to live rent free for almost six years between May 2002 and July 2008 and failing to pay around £36,000.

Judge David Griffith-Jones QC ordered Brealy to surrender his passport and banned him from obtaining travel documents after hearing he was a director of Heron Helicopters. He will also have to report to police once a week. Philip Noble, defending, said he would be arguing there were "exceptional facts and other matters" that could enable a suspended prison sentence to be imposed.

"What is clear from the verdicts of the jury is they accept Mr Matthews did not corrupt him."

The judge said he made it absolutely clear that in adjourning sentence for reports there would be anything other than immediate imprisonment. But he added he would consider all the material put before him. Speaking after his acquittal, Cllr Matthews said:

"The whole thing has been hell for me. I knew I had done nothing wrong but you can never tell how it was going to go. When the verdict was read out I felt numb. I’d been told I faced up to two-and-a-half years in prison which just added to the pressure. I’m a very relieved man today. I’ve received so many texts and calls from people congratulating me and saying they always knew I was innocent."

Cllr Matthews said he had yet to decide whether to stand at the next local elections. He said:

"It’s something I have to think about. The jury has come to the right decision today, but mud sticks."

kentonline 19th Mar 2010

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Herne Bay councillor charged with corruption


Canterbury city councillor Roger Matthews has been charged with corruption.  The 57-year-old, who represents Greenhill and Eddington ward in Herne Bay, has also been suspended from the Liberal Democrat Group following the shock news.  He is due to appear before magistrates on Thursday, March 26 alongside Herne Bay Golf Club owner Julian Brealy. Matthews said he plans to plead not guilty and will "have his day before judge and jury" at crown court.  

The father-of-two, who has lost his seat on the planning committee as a result of the charge, was arrested last July following an early-morning raid on his home in Beltinge Road.  Both Matthews and 50-year-old Brealy, who lives in Mandarin Lane, Herne Bay, were charged under the Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889, which relates to the acceptance of gifts and hospitality by councillors.  Speaking outside a council meeting just hours after leaving the police station on Tuesday, Matthews told of his "complete surprise" at being charged.  He said:

"I don't believe I've done anything wrong. I was honestly surprised to be charged and will clear my name in court. I will be pleading my innocence so the case will go to crown court where QCs and barristers will inevitably be involved. Unfortunately the people picking up the bill will be the state. The only people making money out of this are those in the legal profession."

Although not disclosing the exact allegation he faces, self-employed property manager Matthews confirmed it relates to his time on the planning committee. He said:

"I have never favoured anyone in a planning decision and never would. Some people may not be happy with some decision and that's when they start stirring the mud - and mud sticks. I'm not a dishonest man. I may bend at times, but I'm not dishonest. Loads of people have been interviewed by police, both councillors and former councillors. I haven't kept a low-profile . When you start sticking your head above the council parapet people start shooting at you. There are 15 or so members on the planning committee so I don't see how one man's vote or views can affect a decision. To the police I'm just a feather in their cap."

Matthews was elected as a councillor for Herne and Broomfield in 1995 and again in 1999. In 2003 he was elected to represent Greenhill and Eddington after Herne and Broomfield was split in two.  As a result of his suspension from the Liberal Democrat Group, Matthews has lost his seats on the planning, audit and overview and scrutiny committees.  They are due to be reallocated at a council meeting on Thursday, March 19.  Matthews can still represent his ward at full council and Herne Bay member's meetings, but only as an independent councillor.

Leader of the Liberal Democrats Alex Perkins said:

"While Cllr Matthews can, if he wishes, remain a city councillor, henceforth he is not and cannot describe himself as a Liberal Democrat and no longer speaks for or represents the Liberal Democrats. He will now face a court to explain his actions and it would therefore be quite wrong for me to make any comment other than to reiterate that Roger has been suspended from the Liberal Democrat Group and from the party. I would urge everyone to remember that being charged with an offence is not the same as being found guilty of one."

Leader of the council Cllr John Gilbey said:

"It is most unfortunate that it has come to this. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. When I've seen Roger over the last few months he has seemed more and more confident, as if the whole thing had blown over or he knew something we didn't. It is my understanding that a lot of people were talked to by police but I wasn't personally interviewed. Roger is entitled to his day in court - and in this country we pride ourselves that anyone charged is innocent until proven guilty."

Brealy, the managing director of Hollamby Estates, Heron Helicopters and Herne Bay Golf Club, spent £1.5 million last year building lagoons to cut the risk of flooding in Herne Bay.  He will appear alongside Matthews at Maidstone Magistrates Court on March 26.  The Public Bodies Corrupt Practices Act 1889 states:

  • The acceptance of gifts and/or hospitality by councillors and staff must be treated with extreme caution.
  • On each occasion a judgement must be made between causing offence by refusal and risking improper conduct by acceptance.
  • Gifts offered to a councillor or to staff should be declined if they know or suspect the giver has, or seeks business, with the council.

thisiskent 11th Mar 2009

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Here's another kick in the teeth for local democracy: local Councillors who can't be bothered to reply to an email from one of their constituents about a constituency matter.

My fine and beloved woman emailed the Councillors for Reculver Ward.
One out of the three replied.
Congratulations Gillian Reuby.
Shame on you Ann Taylor and Gabrielle Davis.

She also emailed the Herne Bay Area Members Panel.
Three out of the thirteen replied.
Congratulations Gillian Reuby, Peter Vickery-Jones and Ron Flaherty.
Shame on you Ann Taylor, Gabrielle Davis, Evelyn Bisset, Sharon Sonnex, Peter Lee, Vince McMahan, Margaret Flaherty, Roger Matthews, Ken Hando and Robert Bright.

If any of the "shy" Councillors have a convincing explanation for not replying, do please let me know. Otherwise, you keep your place in the Hall of Shame.

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2004 Pier Report: CCC summarise the findings


Consultants report on pier's future

Consultants have concluded there is the potential to develop Herne Bay pier into a major attraction that could help regenerate the town as a thriving seaside resort. However, their report makes it clear that there is no prospect of attracting sufficient public or private funding, in the foreseeable future, to restore the full three-quarter-mile long pier.

The report, by specialist leisure consultancy firm PMP, says it may be possible to extend the existing pier for a short distance and introduce new commercial leisure facilities to provide an all-year attraction. PMP found a strong level of commercial interest in developing the pier, but said the income from the private sector needs to be offset against the high costs of developing over water compared to land. They considered the most successful commercial use is likely to be restaurants, bars, a casino and family entertainment.

The report stresses that there will need to be considerable effort to secure external funding to achieve this form of redevelopment. It also highlights the need for a clear strategy for the regeneration of Herne Bay. A key part of this will be the future of the sports centre, which currently occupies the main pavilion on the pier. The consultants believe it cannot continue to provide the quality of facilities required in modern sports centres and say it will be essential to upgrade it, which could be more easily achieved on a new site within the town.

The study was commissioned earlier this year by Canterbury City Council, Kent County Council and Tourism South East. PMP's report will be presented to the city council's Executive in July when decisions will be taken on further study work into producing a regeneration action plan, relocating the sports centre and developing details of options for the pier. Canterbury City Council's Executive member for leisure, Cllr Roger Matthews, said:

"The city council's Executive will be able to use this report as the basis for a clear strategy for rebuilding Herne Bay pier as part of an overall regeneration action plan for the town. It may not be possible to achieve the full-length pier immediately, but we are very hopeful that we can provide residents and visitors with a major new facility. In the future, when the financial climate may be easier, I hope we can look to extending the pier progressively towards its former length."

Kent County Council's Cabinet member for regeneration, Alex King, said:

"We have been keen participants in this study from the outset. I am now looking forward to seeing how potential commercial development on the shorter pier can impact upon Herne Bay's prosperity within a wider regeneration programme for the town itself and provide a basis for further development in the future."

CCC website 29 June 2004

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2004 Pier Report: CCC asking for opinions


Herne Bay pier - have your say

Consultants working on the study into the feasibility of rebuilding Herne Bay pier are asking local residents about the type of facility they would like to see and how it would benefit the town. A special website and email address has been set up to allow the public to make suggestions and put forward ideas for any new pier. The consultant, PMP and associates, has stressed that, as piers are very expensive to build and run, it is important to ensure that commercial interests can generate sufficient profits to cover these costs.

Canterbury City Council, Kent County Council and Tourism South East are jointly funding the study, which is now underway. The consultant is concentrating on the economic case and possible funding for the project and will be approaching a number of potential commercial investors. City council joint executive member for leisure, Cllr Roger Matthews, said:

"We're aware many people in Herne Bay have ideas as to the kind of facilities a new pier should provide and now is the time to send them in. The consultant will look at every comment they receive, so I would urge local people to make their views known."

CCC website 02 March 2004

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2004 Pier Report: CCC announces kick-off


Pier study consultants appointed

Consultants have been appointed by the city council to carry out a feasibility study into the rebuilding of Herne Bay pier. PMP Consultants, a specialist leisure consultancy firm, have been selected from the three high quality tenders the city council received. The council will be meeting with the company next week to discuss the study in detail and agree its timescale.

It is hoped phase one of the study, which will investigate options for the new pier and assess the economic viability of the project, will be completed by the spring. If this initial report proves positive, further work will need to be carried out by the consultant to draw up a scheme in more detail, set out the likely impact and benefits for the town and establish a full business case for private investment. City council joint executive member for leisure, Cllr Roger Matthews, said:

"We're pleased to have chosen the consultants for this study. All three bids were of a high standard and the council now looks forward to working with PMP Consultants to establish whether the rebuilding of Herne Bay pier is a viable project."

PMP will work on the study alongside Marks Barfield Architects, who were the company behind the design of the London Eye and received the Queen's Award for Enterprise for that project in April 2003. Canterbury City Council, Kent County Council and Tourism South East are jointly funding the first phase of the study.

CCC website 3rd Feb 2004

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