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Local Plan: Council must listen to the people


The city council is preparing to kickstart the public consultation on its blueprint for the future of Canterbury - at a time when concerns about the building of thousands of new homes remains high.

Members of the ruling executive meet tonight (Thursday 30th May), when they will be asked to formally begin canvassing people's thoughts on its plan for the district over the next 18 years.

It has already sparked huge controversy with its projection of 15,600 new homes across the district and a garden city on farmland on the outskirts of Canterbury. The public consultation is the first stage of the council's effort to realise its vision for the years up to 2031.

Among those questioning the draft Local Plan is the Oaten Hill and District Society, which is holding a public meeting next month to discuss housing development. Former Lord Mayor and society member Fred Whitemore said:

"We do not oppose some increase in building, especially if this is to build more affordable housing which will enable our young people to get on to the housing ladder. But a modest number would achieve that. And if the council pressed the universities to build more student housing on campus, that could and should allow the release of some of the general purpose housing currently occupied by students.
What matters most of all is that the voice of the people in Canterbury should be heeded by the city council. I hope that a great many people will come to our meeting."

Elsewhere in the Local Plan are proposals for the closure of the Sturry level crossing and the creation of a relief road linking the A28 Sturry Road with the A257 Littlebourne Road near Howe Barracks. Around 8,000 of the new homes are planned for Canterbury, with the rest in Hersden, Sturry, Herne Bay and Whitstable.

The Oaten Hill and District Society's meeting takes place at Kendall Hall behind St Mary Bredin Church, Nunnery Fields, at 7.15pm on Monday, June 10. Tory councillor Jeremy Bellamy and Lib Dem Paula Vickers, who both represent the Barton ward, are among those who have agreed to attend.

Consultation on the Local Plan is scheduled to start on June 20 and will last ten weeks.

HB Gazette 30th May 2013

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