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Local Plan: Herne Bay's 'Usual Suspects' call for Plan B


There may not be any violence, drugs or crime, but Herne Bay's Usual Suspects are still hoping for an explosive impact.

The group of campaigners have stepped forward to produce their own proposals for the future of the town, claiming the council's draft Local Plan would prove as disastrous as the failed heist in the Oscar-winning film.

They came up with the name after councillors complained they always heard from the "usual suspects" and instead wanted to encourage as many people as possible to have their say on the council's vision for development over the next 20 years.

The original six – Dylan Hampshire, Jason Hollingsworth, Andy Lawrence, Phil Rose, Graham Cooper and Ros McIntyre – have already been joined by others who fear the council's draft Local Plan would mean Herne Bay residents would depend on the city for jobs and shops.

It includes proposals for five new housing estates, with thousands of new homes. Phil Rose, who is also involved with the Friends of the Downs and runs website Herne Bay Matters, said:

"The plan's mad. It's just houses, houses, houses with no thought for where all these people will work, shop, educate their kids, or spend their leisure time.  Worse, Herne Bay is being used as a cash cow to pay for improvements elsewhere.
We can't let this happen.  We think that a Local Plan should be by and for local people – the Local Plan needs to listen to local voices."

He said it was vital more residents had their say and got involved, and hopes the Usual Suspects theme will encourage them. Mr Rose added:

"We thought we would have some fun with the idea in the hope of encouraging others who care about the town to stand up for its future now.  The vast majority of residents have no idea what Canterbury City Council is planning for us."

The group is also concerned that the schemes put forward by the council would force people to Canterbury because of the lack of vision for Herne Bay's town centre. Mattress-maker Dylan Hampshire, of Cockett's Mattresses, said:

"This Local Plan will stop Herne Bay from having new major food retail outlets outside that area. We won't get Sainsbury's or Tesco if this plan goes through.  So where are we supposed to shop? Canterbury! Part of the money earned from houses built in Herne Bay will be spent on a new crossing in Sturry.  Canterbury will get new shops too. The idea is clearly that we're supposed to drive to shop in Canterbury, leaving our town without retail income."

The group say job creation should be included, as well as a new secondary school for the town, and say the two doctors' surgeries planned will not be enough to cope with the thousands of extra residents. Ros McIntyre added:

"We urged Canterbury not to build on greenfield sites, but all the major housing developments are on greenfield sites – five in Herne Bay alone.  The implications are huge. These five estates will have 2,990 new houses. If Herne Bay gets its share of the usual smaller developments on top of this, we'll end up with more than 4,600 new homes. There'll be more than 15,000 more people living here – that's a 40 per cent increase on our population of 38,000."

Council spokesman Rob Davies said the draft Local Plan was out for public consultation until August 30. He added:

"We look forward to hearing the alternative proposals for Herne Bay from this group in due course."

For more information on the alternative plan, e-mail or visit the Speciality Food Shop in Mortimer Street.

HB Times 4th Jul 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: doubts over golf course scheme


Plans for a Tesco on the outskirts of Herne Bay have been thrown into doubt after an application for a major development stalled.

Developers Quinn Estates have put on hold proposals to build a sports hub and supermarket on the former golf club site after questions were raised over Tesco's commitment to the scheme.

The official line is that negotiations with the retail giant, the third largest in the world, are "ongoing".

Yet the delay has been significant enough to force a rethink in strategy for Quinn Estates, which planned to build the supermarket and sports hub first before gaining planning approval for 400 homes and commercial properties.

The company now aims to submit a planning application for all its proposals together, which it says will ensure "certainty and deliverability".

Managing director Mark Quinn exclusively told the Gazette this would not rule out approaching other supermarkets or getting rid of a store all together. He said:

Mark Quinn

Mark Quinn

"We may consider not having a supermarket or having a small one. At the moment we are still negotiating with Tesco and we are not going to talk elsewhere until negotiations are resolved one way or the other. It will either have a food store or it won't. There will be housing there instead and some other mixed houses."

Once the outcome of negotiations with Tesco is clear, Quinn Estates aims to submit its new all-encompassing planning application in the fourth quarter of this year.  It then hopes to gain planning permission by this time next year, with work beginning from the middle of 2014.

Mr Quinn insists housing would be built after roads and the sports hub were put in place, including a state-of-the-art clubhouse and football, hockey and cricket pitches. He said:

"We have decided after much careful consideration that what's important is delivering what we say we are going to. The way we answer that is master planning the entire scheme and delivering it. We don't want to get planning for something and it then not to go ahead. By doing the whole scheme at once, we gain certainty and deliverability."

This latest development indicates that fears over Tesco's desire to come to Herne Bay may have been a long-running concern at Quinn Estates.

In February, Mr Quinn insisted to the Gazette his development was not reliant on a Tesco superstore being opened, but that having one would create jobs for local people and give them more shopping choice. Mr Quinn added:

"This development will definitely happen. What we are doing ensures that. All our plans are doing is evolving. They may or may not include a supermarket but we hope it does. We are waiting to see the outcome of these negotiations."

Despite several requests, Tesco had not given the Gazette a comment at the time of going to press.

HB Gazette 27th Jun 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Golf course might not get Tesco




The developer behind plans for a new housing estate and sports centre at the former Herne Bay golf club has vowed it will go ahead - with or without a Tesco store.

Mark Quinn, of Quinn Estates, told members of Herne Bay Town Partners last week the scheme had been delayed as negotiations continued with the retail giant. An application was due to be submitted this summer for the supermarket. as well as a sports hub that would provide a home for four town clubs.

The store would provide income to allow the sports hub to go ahead as a gift to the town. But Mr Quinn said the scheme would now be dealt with as a whole rather than in two stages, with 400 houses and commercial units as well. He said:

"I told the group we would go for it with the whole scheme. whether Tesco were a part of it or not. It means a delay of four or five months but it guarantees certainty and that is not a bad thing. It means we create a solution for the whole scheme rather than just a part of it."

Both he and Tesco bosses insisted negotiations were continuing and a spokesman for Tesco said it remained committed to the scheme. Mr Quinn added:

"What is important for me is that we don't let down the sports clubs and that I deliver what I said I would. We are certain that it will happen and it will take place. Whether Tesco are in the mix or not, it will go ahead. I have spoken to all the chairmen of the sports groups and we are really confident with what is going on."

The hub would bring together Herne Bay's youth football team. cricket club, tennis club and hockey club on one site. A planning application should be submitted by the end of this year. and work could start by the middle of next year. It is expected to take 18 months to complete.

HB Times 27th Jun 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: discussion in Canterbury


The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) has met with pressure groups ahead of the publication of the Canterbury City Local Plan today (20th June).

On Monday, the CPRE were joined by members of the South Canterbury Alliance, North Canterbury Forum and the Canterbury Society, and discussed how all parties will launch their campaign against development of housing projects across the Canterbury districts outlined in the plan.

There are a proposed 15,600 new homes in the plan, at a rate of 780 every year. Brian Lloyd, senior planner for CPRE Protect Kent said:

"Local communities throughout the district are, understandably, extremely concerned about the damage that these large and unsustainable sites will cause to the character and quality of their local areas, and CPRE shares those concerns."

HB Times 20th Jun 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Parish pledges to halt Strode in its stride


Parish councillors have vowed to stop a massive housing development they fear would link Herne to Herne Bay.

Members of Herne and Broomfield Parish Council are working with charity CPRE Protect Kent to find reasons to stop 1,000 homes being built at Strode Farm owned by Hollamby Estates, of which parish councillor Andrew Brealy is a director.

Mr Brealy left the room when the issue was discussed at a meeting on Thursday, but chairman Tony Day said the charity's advice was to focus on highways issues.

The development, included in Canterbury City Council's draft Local Plan, would involve upgrades to Bullockstone Road to turn it into a "relief road". But Councillor Day said they did not go far enough. He said:

"The road will end up more or less as it is. It is totally inadequate. It is less adequate than the current route through the village. People from all the new developments will all want to go to Canterbury and will be going through our village or a relief road. All these developments should hinge on the proper infrastructure being in place."

The parish council plans to hire an independent expert - part funded by CPRE Protect Kent - to examine the highways issues but members said it was crucial residents also got involved. Councillor Ann Blatherwick said:

"We need to find out why we are not being considered separately to Herne Bay and why we are not mentioned as a village. We are a separate community. But we are just lumped in together and that explains why they are trying to join us up."

Members also discussed the loss of agricultural land, and the lack of school places. County councillor Alan Marsh said:

"We would need new schools, two primary and two secondary, to deal with the numbers of children. There isn't money for one school, let alone four."

The parish council won the backing of city councillor Peter Vickery-Jones, who stressed he had not been part of the Local Plan steering group that put the proposals together. He said:

"It is about time Canterbury picked up where it should. There has been huge resistance to South Canterbury but it is right it should be developed there."

But he cited the need for an alternative option, and suggested Thanington near Canterbury.

Village Hall plans on display

Plans for a new village hall for Herne will go on display next month. Herne and Broomfield Parish Council members have asked flve developers to provide drawings and costs for a new building in St Martin's View, next to the School Lane car park.

Villagers will be asked to choose their favourite and fill in a questionnaire before councillors decide how to proceed.

At a meeting of the parish council on Thursday, clerk Monica Blyth said developers would be at a public exhibition on Friday, July 12th from 1 to 7pm to answer any questions and results of the consultation would be considered by the hall committee.

Cllr Tracey Jones said it was important the consultation was as wide as possible, with an exhibition at the weekend as well as during the week. Councillors agreed to investigate other dates the material could be on display and to print extra leaflets and posters to distribute via schools and shops.

HB Times 20th Jun 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Canterbury businesses invited to discuss future plan


Businesses can discuss the city council's draft local plan at C4B's Annual Conference on June 28th.

The plan outlines proposals for development over the next 20 years. It is available online now for public consultation.

Colin Carmichael, chief executive of Canterbury City Council business, will be presenting the plan and explaining its effects on local business in the area.

The conference, which is free, takes place at Augustine House in Canterbury from 8am to 10.30am, and includes breakfast.

To reserve a place, e-mail

HB Times 20th Jun 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Parish Council oppose Strode Farm plans


Parish councillors are set to outline their opposition to the Local Plan tonight (13th June 2013) as the public consultation on proposals for 3,000 homes in Herne Bay begins. Herne and Broomfield parish council is expected to focus its arguments against plans for 800 houses at Strode Farm.

Although it has expressed disapproval for a 400-home development at Herne Bay Golf Club, councillors are expected to say they will accept the scheme as a compromise. They are calling on residents to write to the city council in opposition to the inclusion of Strode Farm on the draft Local Plan.

The document outlines housing strategy for the Canterbury district until 2031, proposing 15,600 homes for the area overall. Parish council spokesperson
Monica Blyth said:

"The big thing for us is to get out the importance of people responding to the consultation. It carries more weight if several individuals respond rather than getting a petition together. We are going to have to accept some development and of the two proposed developments in the area, we do not want Strode Farm.
Residents want to keep that buffer and the lesser of the two evils is the golf club. It is not such a big development and will have less impact. A development at Strode Farm would have a tremendous impact on the parish."

The parish council is in discussion with the Campaign to Protect Rural England about putting together an environmental challenge to the plans.

Ms Blyth added:

"Canterbury City Council don't appreciate Herne and Broomfield are villages and not part of Herne Bay. Herne was here first and long-established before Herne Bay arrived. This amount of properties will be huge and add 50% to what we have already."

HB Gazette 13th Jun 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: timetable


People will have all summer to comment on the draft after the executive agreed to increase the consultation period to 10 weeks - until the end of August.

Then the council will submit its plan for scrutiny by an independent government planning inspector. Comments made will also be passed to the inspector.

If the inspector needs any extra evidence or submissions, this will happen in summer next year. By the end of 2014, the planning inspector will have produced the final Local Plan for the Canterbury City Council area up to 2031.

Ian Brown, the council's head of planning and regeneration, said:

"That report will be binding. It will be the final part of the process.  We see south Canterbury as a way of extending the city and providing sustainable transport into the city. Such a development would also address the problem of affordable housing."

Mr Brown also suggested people to look beyond housing for other topics discussed in the plan, including history, environment and transport.

HB Gazette 6th Jun 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Tories and opposition split over proposals


Canterbury City Council's blueprint for the district has already created a split between the Tory majority and opposition members. Each Conservative on the ruling executive insists he or she will listen to public opinion and allow it to shape Canterbury's future.

Cllr Peter Lee

Cllr Peter Lee

The council will use its forthcoming issue of its District Life magazine to outline the Local Plan and tell people how they can comment on it. Cllr Peter Lee, the council's finance supremo, says much of the proposed house-building is geared towards retaining talented and employable people. He said:

"We are not going to be able to do that  unless we build affordable homes for them to live in."
Cllr Terry Westgate

Cllr Terry Westgate

Cllr Terry Westgate, who represents St Stephen's ward, said:

"I've lived in Canterbury for 38 years and I'm passionate about the city. I want people to support what is good in this plan and tell us what they think is wrong with it."
Cllr Peter Vickery-Jones

Cllr Peter Vickery-Jones

Cllr Peter Vickery-Jones, the council's member for transport, warned objectors to the draft plan to be measured in their criticism:

"It's no good screaming and shouting and being abusive to councillors - that will not help. I am heartened to hear what people have to say. It's clear they are passionate about the district."
Cllr Alan Baldock

Cllr Alan Baldock

Northgate Labour councillor Alan Baldock urged the executive to act on the views put forward in the coming consultation. He said:

"It [the draft plan] lacks one vital ingredient - the wisdom of local people whose feet are firmly on the ground with a stake in their district, every day of every year. But the truth is that this executive no longer has the trust of the people of this district. They no longer believe that their comments will be listened to or answered."
Cllr Nick Eden-Green

Cllr Nick Eden-Green

Lib Dem Nick Eden-Green described the plan as "fatally flawed" adding:

"Suffice it to say that there is much in it that is excellent, but I disagree with its conclusions on housing numbers and their locations."

HB Gazette 6th Jun 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Developers' cash should stay in town


I was angered and dismayed to find that the draft Local Plan explicitly stated that developers' contributions (once called S106, now called CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy) would flow OUT of Herne Bay.

There was no mention of CIL money flowing out of Canterbury or Whitstable, and no mention of CIL money flowing IN to Herne Bay. So we were going to get screwed.

I decided to ask our beloved councillors what they thought. Only one of them answered. Cllr Peter Lee apparently has no idea how Herne Bay residents would feel about this, and will wait for the outcome of the consultation. Incredible. 

Councillors have refused to back calls for cash raised from new housing estates planned for Herne Bay to remain in the town.

At a meeting of the town's area members panel, made up of city and county councillors, campaigners said contributions from developments included in the new local plan should be spent on projects in Herne Bay. Local resident Ros McIntyre said:

"There are five new estates planned for around Herne Bay but money from them is earmarked for a crossing at Sturry and a relief road at Herne. Why has improvement money been channelled from Herne Bay to Canterbury and why is there no provision for a bridge at Blacksole?"

Phil Rose, from the Friends of the Downs, asked councillors to raise their hands if they were against the scheme to divert the money to other projects, adding:

"Money that could and should remain in Herne Bay is already being earmarked for projects out of our town."

But West Bay councillor Peter Lee said it was too early to have a view. He said:

"We haven't had any consultation yet and we don't know what people's views are. I am sure there are plenty of people who use that road who will be all for it."

Panel chairman Gillian Reuby said the money would not all be spent on the road schemes - some was for affordable housing and education contributions. She added:

"The infrastructure isn't at Canterbury, it is at Herne for a relief road and Sturry, the route most people from Herne Bay will use to go to Canterbury."

HB Times 30th May 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Council must listen to the people


The city council is preparing to kickstart the public consultation on its blueprint for the future of Canterbury - at a time when concerns about the building of thousands of new homes remains high.

Members of the ruling executive meet tonight (Thursday 30th May), when they will be asked to formally begin canvassing people's thoughts on its plan for the district over the next 18 years.

It has already sparked huge controversy with its projection of 15,600 new homes across the district and a garden city on farmland on the outskirts of Canterbury. The public consultation is the first stage of the council's effort to realise its vision for the years up to 2031.

Among those questioning the draft Local Plan is the Oaten Hill and District Society, which is holding a public meeting next month to discuss housing development. Former Lord Mayor and society member Fred Whitemore said:

"We do not oppose some increase in building, especially if this is to build more affordable housing which will enable our young people to get on to the housing ladder. But a modest number would achieve that. And if the council pressed the universities to build more student housing on campus, that could and should allow the release of some of the general purpose housing currently occupied by students.
What matters most of all is that the voice of the people in Canterbury should be heeded by the city council. I hope that a great many people will come to our meeting."

Elsewhere in the Local Plan are proposals for the closure of the Sturry level crossing and the creation of a relief road linking the A28 Sturry Road with the A257 Littlebourne Road near Howe Barracks. Around 8,000 of the new homes are planned for Canterbury, with the rest in Hersden, Sturry, Herne Bay and Whitstable.

The Oaten Hill and District Society's meeting takes place at Kendall Hall behind St Mary Bredin Church, Nunnery Fields, at 7.15pm on Monday, June 10. Tory councillor Jeremy Bellamy and Lib Dem Paula Vickers, who both represent the Barton ward, are among those who have agreed to attend.

Consultation on the Local Plan is scheduled to start on June 20 and will last ten weeks.

HB Gazette 30th May 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: criticised for being developer-led


Residents' groups have united in opposition to the garden city vision for Canterbury, which they claim is "seriously flawed".

They formed a non-political alliance at a joint meeting last week, where every individual group raised concerns about the process, scale and speed of proposed house-building, which includes 4,000 new homes in south Canterbury.

Speakers questioned the motivation for the plan, its excessive targets, its lack of infrastructure provision and the timing of both its publication and the consultation period. Chairman Clive Church said:

Clive Church

Clive Church

"We share a common belief that this plan is seriously flawed. It is so obviously developer-led and it ignores the genuine long-term economic and social needs of the district as a whole. We also have serious concerns about the democratic process here in Canterbury since it allows a small number of councillors, 90% of who live well outside the city, to foist a series of completely unacceptable proposals on the city without allowing sufficient time for proper consultation.
We have no doubt that every part of the city will be badly-affected by these plans. The full scale of the extra housing proposed for Canterbury has yet to be revealed. We also have very grave concerns about the extent of the major infrastructure construction that will be needed notably the provision of water and sewerage services. We are concerned as well about the extra traffic congestion and air pollution which would ensue.
Equally we doubt the availability of the jobs needed to support the increase in population. Hopes that these can be provided by a 'silicon valley' style complex are, in our view, quite unrealistic for an area that does not have science-led universities.
Over the next few weeks individual residents groups will be examining the proposals in greater detail and will convene meetings of their members, at which council officials will be invited to speak. The new alliance will meet again in mid-June to discuss the views from these sessions and plan the next steps in its campaign of vigorous opposition."

HB Gazette 23rd May 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: debate delayed by Council blunder


A special meeting about the controversial draft Local Plan had to be cancelled this week because of an administrative blunder by the city council.

The executive committee had been due to decide on Monday 20th May whether to put out to public consultation the document, which earmarks almost 16,000 new homes across the district. But an eagle-eyed resident spotted the council had failed to give 28 days' notice of the meeting, with embarrassed bosses forced to put back the debate.

The authority admitted it had incorrectly labelled the decision as "key" on papers sent out before the meeting, making it mandatory to advertise it four weeks in advance. But bosses have now taken advantage of powers they hold to give just five days' notice in cases of urgent business, meaning the meeting will be held next Thursday 30th May.

The error was raised with the council's democratic services department by Jon Linnane, of Old Dover Road, Canterbury, who is a member of the Langton and Nackington Road Residents Association. He said:

"The law is quite clear that a key decision needs 28 days notice and I raised it with them on the basis the decision was of high cost and covered more than one ward. They were aware of this on Tuesday, so why did it take until Friday to pull the draft Local Plan from the agenda?
It is laughable that a council which can't follow simple procedural rules has a chance of over-seeing this huge strategic development. We had leafleted 450 of our residents urging them to go to the meeting to express their anger and frustration at this uncosted, environmentally unfriendly and heritage-damaging plan."

City council leader John Gilbey claims there was no need to publicise the upcoming meeting. He said:

"I don't think this is a key decision because it's consultation - it's not that we're deciding to do this. We're putting it out there for the public to look at and have their say. As there is doubt, we will take the safe route and wait a week. I'm not happy about losing the time but I'm not prepared to take any chances."

HB Gazette 23rd Mar 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan - SNAFU


Canterbury City Council gaffe delays decision on draft Local Plan

A decision on whether a document earmarking almost 16,000 new homes in the Canterbury district can be put out to consultation has been delayed – because of an administrative error. The document proposes 15,600 new homes on sites in Canterbury, Herne Bay and Whitstable before 2031.


Canterbury City Council was today forced to admit it did not advertise the fact its executive committee would be deciding on Monday whether to approve the draft Local Plan for public consultation. When making key decisions, councils are required to give a minimum five days’ public notice – something CCC overlooked in this case.

It means the decision will now not be heard until the end of the month, sparking criticism of the council’s handling of the process. Opposition leader Alex Perkins (Lib Dem) said:

“Let's just hope there is no one waiting in a brewery hoping to enjoy a party in the next few days.” 

City council leader John Gilbey (Con) admits the delay is frustrating, but claims there was no need to publicise the upcoming decision. He said:

“I don’t think this is a key decision because it’s consultation – it’s not that we’re deciding to do this. We’re putting it out there for the public to look at and have their say. If there’s any doubt then we will take the safe route and wait a week. I’m not happy about losing the time but I’m not prepared to take any chances.”

kentonline 17th May 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: extra NHS funds needed for population boom


A top doctor says extra NHS funding will be needed for local health services to cope with an influx of more than 15,000 new homes in the district.

Dr Mark Jones, the clinical chairman for NHS Canterbury and Coastal Clinical Commissioning Group, says it would need extra government cash to deal with an estimated population increase of 40,000.

Dr Mark Jones

Dr Mark Jones

He was speaking after the release of the city council's draft Local Plan, which has earmarked land in Canterbury, Herne Bay and Whitstable for 15,600 new homes before 2031. He said:

"We are aware of the development of the Canterbury Local Plan and will work closely with the council to address the opportunities and challenges the proposals present to the health needs of the population. The new health and social care structure enables the CCG to work closely with the council, and other partners, through the local Health and Wellbeing Board. NHS budgets are based on population size so we anticipate an increasing population will be supported by increased levels of NHS funding."

Dr Jones' comments came before a first public debate about the controversial draft plan. East Kent Hospital Trust spokesman Gemma Shillito said:

"The trust has had some early dialogue with Canterbury City Council. We recognise the need to provide additional facilities and housing in the city and now that the plans have been published, we will be looking in more detail to see what impact the plans may have on clinical services delivered at Kent and Canterbury Hospital."

A dozen speakers voiced their fears at a council meeting on Monday, complaining about a lack of consultation and the scale and location of the future developments. The Guildhall was packed for the meeting of the city council's overview committee, where residents spoke against numerous elements of the plan. The document recommends homes are built at a rate of 780 a year, including 4,000 in a "garden city" in south Canterbury.

But a proposal to send the plan back to the council working group to get more input from the community and a reduced rate of house building was rejected. The motion was put forward by Liberal Democrat opposition leader Cllr Alex Perkins, who branded the draft document a "developer-led plan" which local people had not been consulted on. He said building a vast housing estate in south Canterbury was only being proposed to pay for new roads. He said:

"The working group should work with local residents and associations for their vision of what they want in the district."

Cllr Nick Eden-Green, who was a member of the working committee, said he believed the huge scale of housing planned in south Canterbury was "undeliverable". He argued far fewer houses - about 550 a year - was appropriate and they should be built where there was most economic need, like Herne Bay and Hersden.

The city council's head of regeneration, Ian Brown, insisted the council wanted to create communities, not housing estates. He believed the sites in Herne Bay would launch regeneration in the town and fund relief roads at Herne and the Sturry crossing by-pass.

HB Gazette 16th May 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: money to flow out of Herne Bay


Hundreds of homes at Herne Bay are needed to pay for improvements to roads across the district, councillors have revealed.

As the area's draft local plan was discussed in public for the first time on Monday, officials said the developments at Altira Park, Strode Farm and the former golf club, as well as near Briary School, in Greenhill would bring in vital cash to pay for a new crossing at Sturry.

Relief route

Developers would also be asked to fund a "relief route" for Herne - but opponents said it did not go far enough and a bypass was needed. Canterbury City Council's head of regeneration Ian Brown said:

"We are trying to build communities, not just individual housing estates. The Herne Bay sites will provide a new regenerative beginning for the town, a new focus and will contribute to new transport infrastructure. In part that will help to fund routes through and the Sturry bypass."

The plan includes proposals for 1,000 houses at the Altira park, together with a new doctor's surgery and community facilities.

The developers would have to pay for new links to the Thanet Way, work to discourage motorists from using Heart-In-Hand Road and make a contribution to a relief route at Herne and the Sturry crossing.

The golf club scheme - of 400 homes, business units, convenience stores and a sports hub, plus care home and doctor's surgery - would also bring in money for the Herne relief route and Sturry crossing, as well as a new footpath to the Strode Farm development. That site will have 800 homes, business units, shops, a new parish hall and cash for the crossing and relief road.

The final contribution is from 600 homes near Briary School, in Greenhill, along with allotments, and community facilities.

But town stalwart Dick Eburne said the plan to improve Bullockstone Road as the relief route did not go far enough. He raised concerns about transport, and said the public transport system would need significant investment in order to meet the target of more people choosing to travel sustainably within three years. He said Herne needed a bypass and Bullockstone Road was not suitable, and that through traffic on the A28 should be diverted.

Members of the council's overview committee supported more development at Herne Bay rather than Canterbury, where plans for 4,000 homes south of the city, near Nackington Road, were criticised. Lib Dem councillor Nick Eden-Green said:

"Put houses where we need economic development, Herne Bay and Hersden, not south Canterbury."

Studies commissioned by the council suggested most people preferred more developments at Herne Bay then larger villages, then Whitstable, with Canterbury last on the list. [This is a lie - click here to see the truth.]  But 70% of people did not support building on green-field sites.

Planned development at Hersden and Broad Oak would also bring in funding for the road network. Lib Dem leader councillor Alex Perkins said:

"Whether we need this local plan is another matter. I would like to refer it back to the local plan steering group."

His proposal was not supported by the committee, nor was one by Labour's Alan Baldock for an extended consultation period.

Consultation is expected to start in June for eight weeks and the plan is due to be revised by councillors in December, with a public inquiry due to take place next summer before the document is finalised.

HB Times 16th May 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Griff says - voice your opinion


TV personality and campaigner Griff Rhys Jones has fired a broadside at the new draft Local Plan, which he fears is encouraging "free-for-all development" to help solve economic problems.

He was in the city yesterday (15th May) speaking as president of the campaign group Civic Voice and to launch the Canterbury Society's alternative publication, "The Future of Our City - A Residents' Vision for Canterbury".

The society's alternative vision has been produced with the help of 15 other local residents' groups who feel their views are often ignored by the city council. It also believes building new homes in the district at the rate of 500 to 550 a year - compared to almost 800 proposed in the Local Plan - would be sufficient "to achieve realistic economic aspirations".

Griff Rhys Jones

Griff Rhys Jones

Griff Rhys Jones wrote the foreword to the 43 page report, which he says is a very important document for Canterbury, written by people who really know their own city. He said:

"There are dark forces at work in the government. Some are seeking to solve some of the general problems in the economy by proposing free-for-all construction in badly-placed or out-of-scale developments. They are promoting profit-led anarchy as policy. They want more development come what may and loosening of the ties they believe prevent it."

Speaking before the launch, he added:

"The results of a Civic Voice survey show that 63% of people say that while they care about where they live, they have no influence when it comes to responding to the major changes that impact on their area. So it's great to see the local community in Canterbury working together to put forward their vision for the future.
The public needs to be aware that the draft Local Plan is soon available for comment. I urge people to respond to it and take the opportunity to voice their opinion."

HB Gazette 16th May 2013

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Local Plan - Deceit, Lies and Outrage


As the Local Plan gradually works its way into the public's awareness and (hopefully) gets increasing coverage, I'll be flagging the more obvious spin, deceit, lies, flannel, truth-stretching and the like.

14th May 2013: thisiskent reported that "Studies commissioned by the council suggested most people's preferred choice for more developments was Herne Bay, then larger villages, then Whitstable, with Canterbury last on the list."

I haven't read all 3,250 pages of the Local Plan fun pack, but as far as I can tell at the moment, the above quote (which presumably originated from somewhere in  Military Road) is bullshit.

The likeliest source of information about who would want what built where would be the Ipsos/MORI poll that CCC commissioned - the report was delivered to them in April 2012.  Here is the question that was asked, and the responses:

Click it to big it

... and this is how Ipsos/MORI portrayed that result in their report to CCC: 

Click it to big it

So there doesn't appear to be anything that supports the claim that Herne Bay is "most people's preferred choice for more developments".

No Bullshit.png

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Canterbury district's local plan discussed in public for the first time


 ... and guess what - Herne Bay gets screwed. To pay for treats for Canterbury. 

Canterbury City Council's draft local plan was discussed in public for the first time last night, amid accusations one of the key sites was "undeliverable" and uncosted.

At a meeting of the council's overview committee, Lib Dem Nick Eden-Green said the proposal for 4,000 homes on farmland at south Canterbury was in the wrong place and would not work. Mr Eden-Green, part of the group involved with putting the plan together, argued fewer new homes were needed than included in the plan. He said:

"There is a lot that is excellent but it is not community led and that has been a fundamental initial failing. We should put houses where we need economic development, Herne Bay and Hersden, not south Canterbury."

Studies commissioned by the council suggested most people's preferred choice for more developments was Herne Bay, then larger villages, then Whitstable, with Canterbury last on the list. [This is a lie - click here to see the truth.] But 70 per cent of people did not support building on greenfield sites.

Mr Eden-Green won applause as he added:

"South Canterbury is barely costed and possibly undeliverable. This site and this plan have been hijacked by that development and the need to put the junction in for economic development."

But both a proposal to refer the plan back to the steering group, and to extend the public consultation, were defeated.

Lib Dem leader Alex Perkins said:

"It is quite clear that publishing this draft plan has caused a great deal of disquiet and discomfort. To cram 4,000 homes in South Canterbury when we know it is only to pay for new roads is wrong. The working group should work with local residents and residents association to find their vision of what local people would like to see in the district because the danger is we are simply going to get this wrong."

In Herne Bay, hundreds of homes planned will also help pay for improvements to roads across the district, officials revealed. The developments at Altira Park, Strode Farm and the former golf club as well as near Briary school in Greenhill would bring in vital cash to pay for a new crossing at Sturry.

Developers would also be asked to fund a 'relief route' for Herne - but opponents said it did not go far enough and a bypass was needed. Canterbury City Council's head of regeneration Ian Brown said:

"We are trying to build communities, not just individual housing estates. The Herne Bay sites will provide a new regenerative beginning for the town, a new focus and will contribute to new transport infrastructure. In part that will help to fund routes through and the Sturry bypass."

But town stalwart Dick Eburne said the plan to improve Bullockstone Road as the relief route did not go far enough. He raised concerns about transport, and said the public transport system would need significant investment in order to meet the target of more people choosing to travel sustainably within three years. He said Herne needed a bypass, and Bullockstone Road was not suitable, and that through traffic on the A28 should be diverted.

But Whitstable Tory Ashley Clark urged people to get involved. He said:

"Canterbury has got off lightly in the past. Whitstable has taken a lot of pain. I want all of you who are not happy with things to participate. Look at what is there and see what you think and if you genuinely can be constructive about it please take part and participate."

Whitstable has been earmarked for 400 new homes alongside Duncan Down, between St Luke's Close and the Thanet Way, with a new junction off the Thanet Way. There is also a proposal for a green burial site on part of Duncan Down as well as more pedestrian access.

Consultation is expected to start in June for eight weeks and the plan is due to be revised by councillors in December, with a public inquiry due to take place next summer before the document is finalised.

Comments sent in before the official consultation starts will not be valid.

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Local Plan: the vision for 2031


Multimillion-pound plans to build 15,600 homes and transform roads "will support 6,500 new jobs across the district by 2031".

Canterbury City Council's draft Local Plan seeks to change roads in areas including Sturry and south Canterbury and create a new park-and-ride site close to a new A2 junction near Bridge.

The document, which is due to go out for public consultation from June 14 [actually June 20th], earmarks eight major sites of development in Canterbury, Herne Bay, Whitstable, Sturry and Hersden, with house-building and employment land suggestions for additional areas including Howe Barracks, and the current council office site.

The scheme will mean 9,916 new properties in addition to some 4,500 already in the pipeline or expected to be applied for, being built at a rate of some 780 per year, and 96,775 square metres of employment land being created in the next 17 years.


Proposals include 4,000 homes, two primary schools, business space, allotments, shops and a medical centre in south Canterbury, which will also benefit from a £20 million junction on the A2 opposite Renville Farm and the relocated and extended park and ride on agricultural land close to the new junction.

Sturry and Broadoak will have a build of 1,000 homes, business units, community facilities and a £12 million bridge over the level crossing, which will be closed, bringing cars out at the park and ride.

CCC chief executive Colin Carmichael said:

"We have had lots of conversations with KCC and highways and in principle they are happy with this. The crossing will be closed and with traffic from Thanet and Herne Bay being diverted this will entirely change the character of Sturry."

Four hundred homes and an extension of the Duncan Downs village green, which will be doubled in size, and allotments are planned along the Thanet Way at Whitstable, another 1,000 homes, doctors surgery and 33,000 square metres of business space at the Altira site at Hillborough, and another 600 homes in Greenhill, near Briary school.

Strode Farm is earmarked for 800 homes, retail, employment and leisure space and a new relief road. The Herne Bay golf club site will get 400 homes, a doctors surgery, care home and leisure facilities. Hersden could get 800 homes, employment space, a community building and games area.

A new retail park is planned for Wincheap, and Howe Barracks could offer some limited development opportunities of up to 400 homes. The Ministry of Defence is understood to be selling the land next year.

CCC is also suggesting an Eastern bypass to run from the new Sturry bridge to the new A2 junction at Bridge. Government funding would be applied for to help with the costs.

Council leader John Gilbey said:

"This is a unique opportunity to get the relief road established even though we can't afford to build it right now."

The aim of the housing plan is to provide at least 30 per cent of the properties as affordable homes for families in the district and to try and keep graduating students who could add to the economy.

It is hoped the homes will also be used by the growing "knowledge" sector in Canterbury, made up of software and IT firms and professionals such as architects and accountants.

The district has seen jobs growth in this area despite the recession of around 36 per cent. Cllr Gilbey said:

"The knowledge sector, such as scientific, research and professional services, is a strong area. Our innovation centre is 95 per cent full and we could do with another one. There are incubation firms for hi-tech industries at the universities and we want to keep these people here."

The draft plan, which will be discussed by an overview committee at CCC on Monday 13th May, will go out for consultation for eight weeks [now 10 weeks]. People will be able to see copies at libraries and online. There may also be roadshows in the district.

It is expected the plan will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in Summer/Autumn 2014. The independent inspector will make the final decision on whether the plan is viable. For more information, see the plan at

HB Times 9th May 2013

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