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Filtering by Tag: Phil Rose

Local Plan: Herne Bay's 'Usual Suspects' call for Plan B


There may not be any violence, drugs or crime, but Herne Bay's Usual Suspects are still hoping for an explosive impact.

The group of campaigners have stepped forward to produce their own proposals for the future of the town, claiming the council's draft Local Plan would prove as disastrous as the failed heist in the Oscar-winning film.

They came up with the name after councillors complained they always heard from the "usual suspects" and instead wanted to encourage as many people as possible to have their say on the council's vision for development over the next 20 years.

The original six – Dylan Hampshire, Jason Hollingsworth, Andy Lawrence, Phil Rose, Graham Cooper and Ros McIntyre – have already been joined by others who fear the council's draft Local Plan would mean Herne Bay residents would depend on the city for jobs and shops.

It includes proposals for five new housing estates, with thousands of new homes. Phil Rose, who is also involved with the Friends of the Downs and runs website Herne Bay Matters, said:

"The plan's mad. It's just houses, houses, houses with no thought for where all these people will work, shop, educate their kids, or spend their leisure time.  Worse, Herne Bay is being used as a cash cow to pay for improvements elsewhere.
We can't let this happen.  We think that a Local Plan should be by and for local people – the Local Plan needs to listen to local voices."

He said it was vital more residents had their say and got involved, and hopes the Usual Suspects theme will encourage them. Mr Rose added:

"We thought we would have some fun with the idea in the hope of encouraging others who care about the town to stand up for its future now.  The vast majority of residents have no idea what Canterbury City Council is planning for us."

The group is also concerned that the schemes put forward by the council would force people to Canterbury because of the lack of vision for Herne Bay's town centre. Mattress-maker Dylan Hampshire, of Cockett's Mattresses, said:

"This Local Plan will stop Herne Bay from having new major food retail outlets outside that area. We won't get Sainsbury's or Tesco if this plan goes through.  So where are we supposed to shop? Canterbury! Part of the money earned from houses built in Herne Bay will be spent on a new crossing in Sturry.  Canterbury will get new shops too. The idea is clearly that we're supposed to drive to shop in Canterbury, leaving our town without retail income."

The group say job creation should be included, as well as a new secondary school for the town, and say the two doctors' surgeries planned will not be enough to cope with the thousands of extra residents. Ros McIntyre added:

"We urged Canterbury not to build on greenfield sites, but all the major housing developments are on greenfield sites – five in Herne Bay alone.  The implications are huge. These five estates will have 2,990 new houses. If Herne Bay gets its share of the usual smaller developments on top of this, we'll end up with more than 4,600 new homes. There'll be more than 15,000 more people living here – that's a 40 per cent increase on our population of 38,000."

Council spokesman Rob Davies said the draft Local Plan was out for public consultation until August 30. He added:

"We look forward to hearing the alternative proposals for Herne Bay from this group in due course."

For more information on the alternative plan, e-mail or visit the Speciality Food Shop in Mortimer Street.

HB Times 4th Jul 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Local Plan: Developers' cash should stay in town


I was angered and dismayed to find that the draft Local Plan explicitly stated that developers' contributions (once called S106, now called CIL - Community Infrastructure Levy) would flow OUT of Herne Bay.

There was no mention of CIL money flowing out of Canterbury or Whitstable, and no mention of CIL money flowing IN to Herne Bay. So we were going to get screwed.

I decided to ask our beloved councillors what they thought. Only one of them answered. Cllr Peter Lee apparently has no idea how Herne Bay residents would feel about this, and will wait for the outcome of the consultation. Incredible. 

Councillors have refused to back calls for cash raised from new housing estates planned for Herne Bay to remain in the town.

At a meeting of the town's area members panel, made up of city and county councillors, campaigners said contributions from developments included in the new local plan should be spent on projects in Herne Bay. Local resident Ros McIntyre said:

"There are five new estates planned for around Herne Bay but money from them is earmarked for a crossing at Sturry and a relief road at Herne. Why has improvement money been channelled from Herne Bay to Canterbury and why is there no provision for a bridge at Blacksole?"

Phil Rose, from the Friends of the Downs, asked councillors to raise their hands if they were against the scheme to divert the money to other projects, adding:

"Money that could and should remain in Herne Bay is already being earmarked for projects out of our town."

But West Bay councillor Peter Lee said it was too early to have a view. He said:

"We haven't had any consultation yet and we don't know what people's views are. I am sure there are plenty of people who use that road who will be all for it."

Panel chairman Gillian Reuby said the money would not all be spent on the road schemes - some was for affordable housing and education contributions. She added:

"The infrastructure isn't at Canterbury, it is at Herne for a relief road and Sturry, the route most people from Herne Bay will use to go to Canterbury."

HB Times 30th May 2013

Herne Bay Matters home page

Plans for Herne Bay hovercraft rides are rejected by council


Plans to introduce hovercraft rides from Herne Bay's seafront have been sunk by council officials. Officers decided the adrenalin-pumping experience would not fit in and dismissed the proposals as "inappropriate".

But bosses have agreed for kayaks to be rented from the beach near Lane End and are in talks with a potential operator. Canterbury City Council's outdoor leisure manager Richard Griffiths said:

"We were approached with an idea for a hovercraft concession but we said no because it was felt it was not appropriate for the town. But the kayak concession could start from April 2013."

The scheme is part of a host of new attractions planned for the seafront, including refreshments at the Hampton play area, deckchairs and toddler swings at Central Parade near the children's amusements and more telescopes along the seafront to allow people to see passing ships and other activity off the coast.

But plans for military-style fitness sessions at the Downs led to battle lines being drawn up between campaigner Phil Rose, of the Friends of the Downs, and council bosses.

At a meeting of Herne Bay Area Members Panel on Tuesday, he raised concerns that agreement had already been given for the circuits, to be run by British Military Fitness from January, with no consultation. Mr Rose, of Beacon Hill, said:

"I am involved with the Friends of the Downs and I am not aware of this. There has been no contact at all. It says something about the nature of the relationship between the council and community groups – we should have been involved."

Mr Griffiths told councillors the scheme had his full support. He said:

"The Downs is a well-used area and I don't see any problems with this."

He said existing concessions, such as the ice cream cart at Spa Esplanade and marketing booth for Bay Blast boat trips, would continue along with the refreshments in the park.

Tory member Peter Lee, of the council's ruling executive committee and the Herne Bay regeneration group which also discussed the plans, said it was a win-win situation for the town.

Herne Bay Times

Herne Bay Matters home page

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