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Death, suicide and death threats


Drugs death suspect Craig Wallis has been found dead. Mr Wallis, 37, from Herne Bay, was arrested in connection with the death of Bay man Mark Creed. Mr Creed died of a drugs overdose in a house in Claremont Street on Saturday, March 17.

After being released on bail by police, Mr Wallis checked himself into a mental health ward at Ashford's William Harvey Hospital. But the diabetic walked out without his insulin on Wednesday, April 11. His body was discovered in Sweetwillow Wood behind the hospital last Saturday morning.

Mr Wallis had been expected to face Canterbury magistrates on Friday, May 11, to answer a charge of supplying a controlled drug. Kent Police spokesman Lesley Miller said:

"Formal identification has not yet taken place but the death is not being treated as suspicious."

The body was named locally as that of Mr Wallis. Hospital spokesman Adrian Lowther said:

"We would like to offer our condolences to the family of Mr Wallis. We are undertaking a review of this case but the matter is now in the hands of the coroner and we cannot comment further at this stage."

In a further twist in the double-death inquiry, homeless man Steve Williamson, 44, claimed he had received death threats. Mr Williamson, who has been living in a shack in woods at Herne, said:

"I took one of the same pills with Mark. We were on the seafront and popped them at the same time. I nearly died and was in hospital with an overdose. When I heard Mark had died, I told police about the suspect drugs. We were given them by two men. Now I've heard I am being blamed for the deaths of both Mark and Craig. I don't know why. The word on the street is that I have seven days to leave town."

Police said they were taking the threat seriously. Mr Williams, a self-confessed former alcoholic now accompanied by his dog Jack, added:

"If you find me dead on a pavement you'll know why. But I'm not running. This is my home. I've gone clean and found God. I believe I've escaped death this many times for a purpose. Maybe God wants me to be an angel and help those like myself who have fallen through the cracks."

Friday, May 04, 2012 Herne Bay Times

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