Manston fans, read section 46 of this: Govt Guidance Notes - EIA.
More Government Guidance Notes
Explaining what EIAs are, applying for a screening decision and preparing an Environmental Statement.
Trees and woodland: management and conservation
Preserving woodland environments on farmland, funding for new areas, and the environmental impact of forestry projects.
Developing farmland: regulations on land use
Planning applications for new buildings on agricultural land or change of use for existing farmland or buildings.
Legalities and conservation issues for farmers, including cross compliance, land management, climate change and biodiversity
How to identify and maintain the five main soil types
How to get funding if you are an upland farmer, explanation of designated areas and advice on hill farm management.
Grazing and pasture: sustainable management schemes
Schemes to minimise the impact of farming on natural habitat, and details of legislation and advice on sustainable grazing management.
Standards of Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition
GAECs set Cross Compliance baseline requirements for farmers to safeguard soils, habitats and landscape features on their farmland.
Offshore Renewable Energy Installations: impact on shipping
How wind farms and wave and tidal energy devices can endanger navigation, emergency response operations, marine radar and GPS communications.