NNF Complain
In my experience, Manston's complaints process is pitifully, possibly deliberately, inadequate.
Don't let them get away with it!
They claim to aim to answer complaints placed via their website within 10 days, but don't succeed. I suspect they hope people will have forgotten about the complaint, and not follow it up. Regardless, I recommend you ALWAYS use the online system, as they are obliged to report these complaints publicly.
TOP TIP: when you submit your complaint through the website, you will (probably) be emailed a plain text copy of what they have received. If you have the time and inclination, forward this email to them daily (asking for a reply) until you get one. The woman who seems to be responsible for handling the complaints, and sending out the infuriatingly inadequate responses, is Elaine Tanner: elaine.tanner@manstonairport.com
You could also send a separate email to Paul Twyman (Chairman of KIACC) via his secretary Heidi Golden at: secretary.manstonkiacc@talktalk.net, telling him briefly of your complaint, and the fact that you have registered it through the airport's website, and promising to let him know of their answer, or failure to answer. Manston's crappy complaints system has come in for repeated criticism over the years, and Mr Twyman in his role as Chair of KIACC has repeatedly taken them to task over it. Please don't bombard him with every twist and turn of your complaint, just the highlights and outcomes.
Charles Buchanan (CEO of Manston Airport) can be contacted at: charles.buchanan@manstonairport.com, but once again, I suggest you use this sparingly.
Don't forget your assorted elected representatives, whatever you think of them! Visit WriteToThem.com where you can find your councillors (County and District), MP and MEPs just by typing in your postcode.
If you're in Canterbury City Council's patch, visit their website to track down your local ward councillors.
If you're in Thanet District Council's patch, visit their website to track down your local ward councillors by entering your post code.
Do let us know how you get on.
Incidentally, an increasing number of people are involving their elected representatives.
Once they have received the (almost inevitably) disappointing and irrelevant response to their complaint/question submitted via the Manston website, they escalate the issue by copying the correspondence to Charles Buchanan, their local Ward councillors, and their MP.