44 flights a night at Manston?
On the bright side, these figures are for the upper limits allowed - it's unlikely that Manston will actually take this many, simply because it's in an inconvenient location.
However, if it gets anything like this number, it would be a useful "experiment" to show everyone what full-time scheduled night flights would be like. Perhaps it would be a good idea to hold the public consultation on night flights after the Olympics...
Hundreds of flights will be allowed to take off and land at Kent's airports every day during this summer's Olympics. Manston, Lydd and Rochester have been asked to take a share of the 500,000 international visitors expected during the Games. In total, the airports will have to accept up to around 370 flights a day, as all three will be regulated between July 21 and August 15 to prevent overcrowding at Heathrow.
Manston will operate round the clock to accommodate up to 192 arrivals and departures every day. A maximum of 44 aircraft will use the airport between 10pm and 7am.
As many as 126 planes will take off and land every day at Lydd, 20 of which will leave or arrive at night.
Rochester's requirement is 56 aircraft a day, although no flights will operate between midnight and 6am.
Airport Coordination Limited, the company responsible for landing slots and schedules, says the majority of visitors will travel on scheduled flights. However, it expects 700 extra charter flights and 3,000 more business jets during July and August, as VIPs make their way to the Games. An estimated 240 state flights will bring political leaders from around the world to London.
kentonline 20th Jan 2012