Aha! The cat's out of the bag
Way back in February, NNF sent the Airport Working Committee a response to Rob Hetherington's awful strategy document. And we heard nothing, until 17th June, when we were told (by Charles Hungwe, Senior Democratic Services Officer):
"At the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Panel on 28 May 2013, Members set up 5 task & finish groups/working parties for 2013/14. Unfortunately the Airport Working Party was not one of the five."
Quick as a flash, the reply went back to Charles Hungwe and Madeline Homer:
"The obvious question is: which part or parts of TDC now deal with the airport and related issues?"
And we heard nothing. So there was the usual annoying series of increasingly exasperated and ever-escalating requests for a reply and an answer.
Ta-dah! Having escalated the question to Leader and Chief Exec level, a reply arrived on 13th August from Madeline Homer:
"In general the airport remains part of the Economic Development and Regeneration portfolio under the Director of Community Services, including the monitoring of the s.106 agreement."
So there you have it. A mere two months after being asked, Ms Homer tells us that airport matters fall under the remit the Director of Community Services.
The Director of Community Services is Madeline Homer. I suggest it would be sensible to include her in all your correspondence regarding the airport - Madeline.Homer@thanet.gov.uk