KIACC meeting at Manston
Friday 27th September 2013 6.30pm in the Airport Departure Lounge
1. Chairman's welcome & opening
2. Minutes of last meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Short introduction to the public part of the Meeting by P Twyman, Chair of KIACC
5. Short presentations from Community Fund recipients
6. Report from the Airport Management (Charles Buchanan, CEO Manston Airport)
7. Thanet District Council (Cllr Hart, Leader of the Council has been invited to speak)
8. Questions from the public and discussion
Members of the public are invited to attend this meeting and will have the opportunity to ask questions after the business of the Committee has been dealt with.
Hear from Thanet District Council and the CEO of the Airport. Hear about the work of KIACC. Make your views known.
Agendas will be available at the meeting.
The Constitution of KIACC provides for one meeting a year at which the public can attend. In recent years, in keeping with our wish to provide a public forum for discussion on airport issues, the Chairman has extended this provision so that the public can not only attend but have the opportunity to speak. So far nobody has objected to this commonsense approach!
After the formal business of the meeting there will be ample opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and make suggestions (but not, please, long speeches). It would be helpful in making best use of time if people with specific questions could let us have them in advance so that they can be grouped together - suggestions to And if they are not reached they can be passed on to the appropriate quarter for a response.
We look forward to seeing you.
If past performance is anything to go by, we might expect an announcement from Charles Buchanan a few days after he is out of the public spotlight.