Airport and Council to break silence
Charles Buchanan, CEO of Manston airport, has had the newly published Parsons Brinckerhoff report since Thursday. So far, he hasn't made any public comment and has stuck to the line that he is biding his time pending a more considered response.
Translating from the business-speak/PR jargon, I think this means he's been trawling through the report with a fine-toothed comb and a magnifying glass, looking for the good news.
Thanet Disctrict Council have, of course, also had the report since Thursday. They probably would have had at least one draft report before then. (If anyone would care to send me a draft, I would be intrigued to play spot-the-difference.) Similarly, they haven't made any public comment, although Bob Bayford - now settling into his opposition role as heckler-in-chief - has been pressing TDC Leader Clive Hart for "clarification".
The good news is that they will both break cover and go public tomorrow. Apparently. Allegedly.
I'm sure they've both got something to say, and lots of people want to hear it - this is no time to be shy.