KIACC public meeting
Dear reader, a golden opportunity presents itself. This Tuesday 19th May 2009 there will be a meeting of the great and the good and the rest to discuss the thorny topic of night flights.
The TDC Airport Working Party will be there. Infratil will be there. The Airport Consultative Committee will be there. The general public will be there. A rare chance to see them all in the same place at the same time. The mind boggles! There's even the possibility that something useful may come out of it.
If there is anything you want to say about night flights, or if you want to hear what everyone else has to say - BE THERE! You may not get another chance like it.
Tuesday, 19th May, 2009 at 7.00 pm
The Passenger Departure Lounge
Kent International Airport Terminal Building, Manston
Please use the car park opposite the Terminal building (not the staff car park!).
It's a public meeting - you're entitled to be there. Click here to link to the Agenda on the TDC website. If you'll be getting to Manston on wheels rather than wings, here's how: