Liberty Hall
Ruritanian-based airport operator Infidel has thrown caution to the wind and is sniffing around Thanet, looking for an airport to buy.
Instead of, ahem, doing any proper research to find out if Manston is financially viable, they've sent us a few questions about what they would be allowed to do. Read on...
Is there anything I can’t do at this airport?
Well, regular scheduled night flights by the very noisiest freighters would get penalised, but...
That’s not a problem though, because we’re asking for a night flight policy that will allow us to do just that, and we’re confident we’ll get it.
We know that this kind of freight business creates virtually no jobs.
That’s great for us because it’s a low cost business for which we can charge a premium because no other airport is allowed to do what we’ll be allowed to do.
Don’t worry about it. We’ll have this sorted by the time you buy the airport.
Actually, we must get it sorted, otherwise you won't buy the airport, will you?