Green vs Greed
Ruritanian-based airport operator Infidel has thrown caution to the wind and is sniffing around Thanet, looking for an airport to buy.
Instead of, ahem, doing any proper research to find out if Manston is financially viable, they've sent us a few questions about what they would be allowed to do. Read on...
Are there any activities which might be prevented at Manston on environmental grounds?
Are you kidding?
The Council is desperate for the airport to succeed and will agree to anything as long as you promise a few jobs.
The promise doesn't have to be based on any real analysis and there won't be any come-back if you fail to deliver on it.
The airport's built right on top of the local aquifer, and drains into the nearest SSSI, which gives you some idea of how seriously the local Council takes that kind of thing.
Trust me, no-one's had to do an Environmental Impact Assessment or get involved with tricky planning issues.
All you'll need is a splash of greenwash, and you'll be home and dry!