Sleep tight before the night flights bite
Ruritanian-based airport operator Infidel has thrown caution to the wind and is sniffing around Thanet, looking for an airport to buy.
Instead of, ahem, doing any proper research to find out if Manston is financially viable, they've sent us a few questions about what they would be allowed to do. Read on...
Does it matter how many people I wake up each night by flying over them?
Of course not.
TDC has never commissioned any research into the effects of night-flights on residents. They couldn't give a damn.
The S106 is over a decade old and has none of the restrictions that other airports impose to protect their local residents.
The local Council should have reviewed and renegotiated the S106 agreement regularly, but haven't - they can't be bothered.
The Council has always made it clear that Thanet is "open for business", and the S106 agreement certainly allows the airport to do pretty much what it likes.
So you can wake up as many people as you like - it's nothing for you to lose sleep over!